2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18083
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A day after the rain …
We had a wet weekend and, with the Homage still out of action, I split Monday's ride in two – partly because my Trek Powerfly has only half the range but mostly because I'm not sufficiently conservative with he power assist settings.

From home it is barely two minutes to the longest rail trail in the state country. How fortunate! I've mentioned previously that sections of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail are sub-standard (meaning rough, muddy, too rocky, too rutted, and so on). The section that I rode today has a bit of everything, including the obviously decent compacted gravel surface in the photo. That's exactly how it should be! Not all agree.

Local councils are determined to 'upgrade' the BVRT's standard (to my liking!) but are vehemently opposed by mountain bikers and gravel enthusiasts who think that the trail's present challenging character is perfect! 'Spend the money on replacing the gates with cattle grids!' is their cry. I want that in addition to a 'better' surface like this section alongside the Brisbane River…

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, Lowood, Queensland.

On the return trip from Lowood I diverted along Pine Mountain Road and was pleasantly surprised (astonished?) to find that the farm dam at Wanora was now between a third and half full. The first week of rain had greened up the pastures but done little more than turn the dam into a muddy hollow; the second week filled the dam. When will the spoonbills and wading birds return?

Cattle country, Wanora, Queensland.
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So glad to see the rains have restored the Green landscape and water levels .. But more importantly extinguish those ravaging wild fires !!!!!
Time to top up the cholesterol?

Fernvale, Brisbane Valley, Queensland
I think this is just bait to get you in to buy one of their 'world famous' pies. Leaving my cynicism aside, the Fernvale Bakery really is major tourist attraction especially amongst weekend motorcyclists heading up the Brisbane Valley before returning to the city via the sinuous roads of the D'Aguilar Range seen in the background.

Country villages are also championing the upgrade of the rail trail. Weekend warriors in lycra heading up to Fernvale for a flat white and pie? Maybe, but only after the embarrassing sections have been brought up to standard…

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, Fairney View, Queensland
Fast & Hard Ride to Frogsthorpe :D

I have had several chores to do recently and had no time for rides this week. Seeing splendid sunshine and not scared of 5-6 m/s winds I broke free today. I didn't want to exceed 40 km because I wanted to return before the sunset. I must admit that misled by the sunshine I wore lighter clothes; a mistake; being well protected against the wind I was badly surprised by the cold air. First, I spent too much time to take a photo of my bike's display that I promised to @Readytoride and @Browneye. Still, I set off in a good time and rode almost exclusively in Eco mode for fitness.

Because being on Metformin (against diabetes), eating less and wiser and practising, I lost weight. 107 kg (236 lbs) a month ago, 100.9 kg (222 lbs) today. Wish me reaching 200 pounds and I'm good with that.

On the last kilometre, the dreaded BLOKS display hanged up, so I pedalled home without electric assistance. Yes, you can do that with Vado but 14 km/h is not my preferred speed ;) Back in the garage, I removed a tiny screw from the display making it removable, so I'll be able to reset the BLOKS en route in the future. Not that the display hangs up often, no.

Back at home, I felt chilled and low on glucose. Ate a little, and now I'm recovering by a space heater. We call that small device "farelka" in Poland. Why? During those not so nice times years ago, there was only one space heater maker in Poland, the company named FAREL (Fabryka Aparatury Elektrycznej or Factory for Electrical Appliances). A single maker! That's the planned economy for you 🤣


Isn't the Vado beautiful? The word from the "Specialized/Brose fanboy" as I've been named on this Forum ;) At my favourite bus stop in Żabia Wola (literally: Frogsthorpe).


There are kilometers after kilometers of new, perfect and almost empty side roads in Poland nowadays. This one runs along the S7 expressway. Near to Przeszkoda (literally: Obstacle). My region is full of funny place names :D


At the terminal station and the headquarters of the Warsaw Commuter Rail (WKD) in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (literally: Mazovian Burgh).


One of the three original station buildings on the WKD's 30 km route (the other can be found in Podkowa Leśna and Komorów). These building date back to 1927. I hoped to see the WKD Museum but it is only open on Wednesdays and Sundays.


No trains past this point! The sunshine was unstoppable (look at the glare from the truck).


The green diesel engine has still some use. For example, goods such as coal are being transported by rail at nights. Or, the diesel engine is used during the rail repair or in the emergency. The WKD line was electric from its very beginning.


Sheep in the middle of Mazovia?! Unusual sight.

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Fast & Hard Ride to Frogsthorpe :D

I have had several chores to do recently and had no time for rides this week. Seeing splendid sunshine and not scared of 5-6 m/s winds I broke free today. I didn't want to exceed 40 km because I wanted to return before the sunset. I must admit that misled by the sunshine I wore lighter clothes; a mistake; being well protected against the wind I was badly surprised by the cold air. First, I spent too much time to take a photo of my bike's display that I promised to @Readytoride and @Browneye. Still, I set off in a good time and rode almost exclusively in Eco mode for fitness.

Because being on Metformin (against diabetes), eating less and wiser and practising, I lost weight. 107 kg (236 lbs) a month ago, 100.9 kg (222 lbs) today. Wish me reaching 200 pounds and I'm good with that.

On the last kilometre, the dreaded BLOKS display hanged up, so I pedalled home without electric assistance. Yes, you can do that with Vado but 14 km/h is not my preferred speed ;) Back in the garage, I removed a tiny screw from the display making it removable, so I'll be able to reset the BLOKS en route in the future. Not that the display hangs up often, no.

Back at home, I felt chilled and low on glucose. Ate a little, and now I'm recovering by a space heater. We call that small device "farelka" in Poland. Why? During those not so nice times years ago, there was only one space heater maker in Poland, the company named FAREL (Fabryka Aparatury Elektrycznej or Factory for Electrical Appliances). A single maker! That's the planned economy for you 🤣

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Isn't the Vado beautiful? The word from the "Specialized/Brose fanboy" as I've been named on this Forum ;) At my favourite bus stop in Żabia Wola (literally: Frogsthorpe).

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There are kilometers after kilometers of new, perfect and almost empty side roads in Poland nowadays. This one runs along the S7 expressway. Near to Przeszkoda (literally: Obstacle). My region is full of funny place names :D

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At the terminal station and the headquarters of the Warsaw Commuter Rail (WKD) in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (literally: Mazovian Burgh).

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One of the three original station buildings on the WKD's 30 km route (the other can be found in Podkowa Leśna and Komorów). These building date back to 1927. I hoped to see the WKD Museum but it is only open on Wednesdays and Sundays.

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No trains past this point! The sunshine was unstoppable (look at the glare from the truck).

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The green diesel engine has still some use. For example, goods such as coal are being transported by rail at nights. Or, the diesel engine is used during the rail repair or in the emergency. The WKD line was electric from its very beginning.

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Sheep in the middle of Mazovia?! Unusual sight.

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I've said it before about this thread...way better than cable! It's so cool to see other people all over the globe sharing their passion with pictures and words.