2016 e-joe Gaddis with intermittent motor cut-out


New Member
This bike has worked well for a long time. After it was tuned up this spring, I fully recharged the battery and went out for for my first ride a month ago. All was well with throttle and pedal assist until I first used my brakes. The motor went out and stayed out for probably 3/4’s of a mile when I got on some rougher pavement. I’ve notice since then that bumps sometimes jolt it on, while braking has the opposite effect. (I try to coast to stops!)

Owners manual advises replacing the fuse first, but where is it? For that matter, where’s the controller?
Fuses don't go out & come back. Connectors do. Controllers do. Throttles do. PAS pickups do.
You need to access the red + & black - wire between battery & controller. Then you need to prick it and measure the voltage there while you are riding across rough pavement. Dropouts below 10% voltage level, the problem is on the battery or battery connector. If voltage is okay there, you reinsulate the holes with 3m weatherstrip adhesive or duco cement.
Trouble is, most built bikes that wiring is buried in the frame.
You can load check the battery alone if it doesn't have a computer in it. Requires a mating connector to the battery, which if proprietary, you can probably only buy in lots of 10000 from alibaba. I load tested my battery with 15 ohm 750 w, to prove it collapsed to 11 v with a 3 amp load on it, after full charge. Most bike batteries are rated at 50 A load. But my bike battery had .250 flag insulated terminals on it.
Best of luck.
Maybe your tuneup guy screwed up the wiring on the brake levers. There are usually switches embedded in ebike brakes that inhibit the motor.
Maybe your tuneup guy screwed up the wiring on the brake levers. There are usually switches embedded in ebike brakes that inhibit the motor.
I wondered about this too. Will tell my new repair guy what you said. Thanks.