2015 Evo Series Bikes @ Dealers / In-Stock When?


Well-Known Member
Seems like few, if any, actually have any of the 2015 Evo Series bikes actually in stock. I read something last week that mentioned they would be shipping in Feb or March of 2015. Any news about that? I'm really hoping to see at least 1 model of Evo (and hopefully it will be the street) well before Feb 2015.

What say the dealers here? What is your understanding?
Update as of 12/15/14: I just emailed with Chris Lombardo, Technical Advisor at Easy Motion in CA. He said they are running a bit behind in production and their U.S. dealers should be getting 2015 stock "within the next month."

I sure hope so. I'm flying to Ft. Lauderdale to visit family Jan 22 - 26, and am really hoping to try an Evo Street at the big eBike shop located there. Hopefully they'll have a couple bikes for me to demo since nothing beats a test ride to see what would be best.
Seems like few, if any, actually have any of the 2015 Evo Series bikes actually in stock. I read something last week that mentioned they would be shipping in Feb or March of 2015. Any news about that? I'm really hoping to see at least 1 model of Evo (and hopefully it will be the street) well before Feb 2015.

What say the dealers here? What is your understanding?
Happy Holidays everyone! Great news PowerMe, we just started shipping the first lot of 2015 bikes last week. We got in the EVO Jet, EVO Cross, and the awesome new 28mph NEO Nitro Cross.

I should have my Nitro sample in tomorrow and will begin doing some range and performance testing which I will share with the forum. We expect to have most of the balance of 2015 models by end of January with shipments coming about every two weeks. A few production holdups have caused us to miss our original delivery target of October, but with another 2 factories coming on line, outages should (hopefully) not be an issue in 2015. I hope this helps.
Update as of 12/15/14: I just emailed with Chris Lombardo, Technical Advisor at Easy Motion in CA. He said they are running a bit behind in production and their U.S. dealers should be getting 2015 stock "within the next month."

I sure hope so. I'm flying to Ft. Lauderdale to visit family Jan 22 - 26, and am really hoping to try an Evo Street at the big eBike shop located there. Hopefully they'll have a couple bikes for me to demo since nothing beats a test ride to see what would be best.
I forgot to mention to have your dealer pre-order your EVO Street if not already done so, as this is the most highly booked and anticipated bike in the new EVO line. Pre-orders for the EVO Street alone are coming in at about a 5 - 1 ratio over all other models! Don't miss out.
Thanks Undercover!

I've never been to this eBike dealer before (or any eBike dealer, for that matter) but I'll give them a call to see if they have any on order and maybe I'll get to see the street when I visit FL in late Jan. I'm not in a big rush because it is, afterall, winter where I live and unlike the road warriors and commuting mavens of EBR, I am a 'fair-weather' cyclist.
Happy Holidays everyone! Great news PowerMe, we just started shipping the first lot of 2015 bikes last week. We got in the EVO Jet, EVO Cross, and the awesome new 28mph NEO Nitro Cross.

I should have my Nitro sample in tomorrow and will begin doing some range and performance testing which I will share with the forum. We expect to have most of the balance of 2015 models by end of January with shipments coming about every two weeks. A few production holdups have caused us to miss our original delivery target of October, but with another 2 factories coming on line, outages should (hopefully) not be an issue in 2015. I hope this helps.

Wonderful news for all.
It's a good thing my trip to Florida got pushed out by a month because the 2015 Evos are still not showing up in stock at the largest eBike 'tailers. Now I'm going to FL on Feb 23 and hopefully the Evo Street 2015 will be out by then. What a slowwwww rollout, considering they announced and demo'd in Sept 2014. Guess that means no big upgrades for the 2016 model year since 1/4 of the year will be gone before they get the 2015 models out there everywhere.
It's a good thing my trip to Florida got pushed out by a month because the 2015 Evos are still not showing up in stock at the largest eBike 'tailers. Now I'm going to FL on Feb 23 and hopefully the Evo Street 2015 will be out by then. What a slowwwww rollout, considering they announced and demo'd in Sept 2014. Guess that means no big upgrades for the 2016 model year since 1/4 of the year will be gone before they get the 2015 models out there everywhere.

PowerMe, we should receive our first shipment of EVO Streets in a week or two, and thanks for your patience. Manufacturing delays are an unfortunate necessity of our dependence on Asian sourcing. We are receiving shipments pretty much every week just as quickly as the bikes can be built.

Shipments have also been delayed by the port slowdown in LA and now the longshoreman strike. Trust me, these delays have been painful for everyone. That said, the delays should have no effect on when the 2016 line is introduced, as we've brought even more resources on line to mitigate any future shortages. All of the first shipment of EVO Streets have already been allocated by our dealers that booked pre-season orders. I would highly recommend calling the dealer you wish to buy one from to reserve one, as the Street was by far the #1 bike pre-booked this year and they are going fast.

Thanks again.
Thanks Undercover.

I'm not going to order the Evo Street unless I can try it out first as there's no way to know if it's the 'right' eBike for me until I can test it along with other eBikes. If the 2015 Evo Street sells out before I get a chance to see and try one, then so be it. There are other eBikes out there that may be good options for me too. I don't have an Easy Motion eBike retailer anywhere near me so I'd have to order it and have it shipped anyway.
Thanks Undercover.

I'm not going to order the Evo Street unless I can try it out first as there's no way to know if it's the 'right' eBike for me until I can test it along with other eBikes. If the 2015 Evo Street sells out before I get a chance to see and try one, then so be it. There are other eBikes out there that may be good options for me too. I don't have an Easy Motion eBike retailer anywhere near me so I'd have to order it and have it shipped anyway.

Understood...whatever works for you. I'm just trying to help you out here. Good luck!
I do appreciate that, Undercover!

It's a catch22. If I had a local Easy Motion dealer within an hour then it would be no big deal, but the only way I can get one is to purchase and have it shipped to me and it seems risky to do that without trying one first. Hopefully I'll have that opportunity when I'm in FL and near one of the larger eBike shops next month, plus I'll have the opportunity to try out different eBikes they have. And if they didn't "pre-book" this model and if they don't have one to try on or around Feb 24th, then there's nothing I can do about that anyway.
Thanks. I certainly encourage you to try out a number of competitive ebikes, and very interested in your thoughts. There aren't many of our dealers that didn't pre-book the EVO Street, those that didn't, well... If it were me, I would call the closest Easy Motion dealer to where you are going to be in FL and find out before you go if they have booked any Streets. The smart dealers all pre-ordered Streets, though with our shipping delays. I hope you're able to locate one to ride in February, but if not let me know, and I'll see what I can to help. Just, don't make your decision before you've had a chance to ride one.

Thanks again for considering Easy Motion!
Easy Motion is #1 on my list right now.

I'll be going to:

Electric Bicycle Store - Ft. Lauderdale
North Federal Highway
Ft Lauderdale

I'm flying into FL on Feb 23 to see family and will be able to visit the store on Feb 24 & Feb 25. If you happen to know that dealer and can check on how many they've ordered or at least give me an indication if you think they'll have one or more by then, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks Undercover.

I'm not going to order the Evo Street unless I can try it out first as there's no way to know if it's the 'right' eBike for me until I can test it along with other eBikes. If the 2015 Evo Street sells out before I get a chance to see and try one, then so be it. There are other eBikes out there that may be good options for me too. I don't have an Easy Motion eBike retailer anywhere near me so I'd have to order it and have it shipped anyway.

2015 Evo Street is a brilliant choice.
Been assembling the 2015 model Emotions for the last couple of weeks now and let me give you my brief impressions so far. Nitro and Evo models have very impressive graphics these bikes really give you the wow factor. Evo models show many subtle but impressive improvements in frame construction resulting in greater stiffness and a more robust frame. Tool free rear wheel removal as well as redesigned motor configuration with wiring exiting next to the axle instead of through it seems a much more thoughtful and sturdy design. Reworking the motor internals with attention to the planetary gears results in a noticeably smoother and quieter operation, controller changes that were already introduced last year add to this as well as providing a more economical use of power. One overdue improvement in the Evo line is the inclusion of an external charge port which allows on bike charging. The Nitro line with the torque increase with 48 volt systems is impressive, you basically launch on these bikes. I was unable to give it a fair test on overall ride due to the uncooperative weather. Bench testing shows some peculiar Euro traits to the controller programming profile. Early discussions with the company tell me most of these are due to seeking to preserve economy and durability, more discussion and further realtime seat of the pants testing will let me refine my opinion there. One disappointment in the Nitro line is that it retains the Neo configuration in most respects with the lack of charge port and and additional frame improvements, time will tell if the 48v system is worth the tradeoff in that regard. My personal favorite so far as always the Jet has a greatly improved look and feel. Previously very good stiffness and mounting ability is further improved with the new frame design and that vulnerable motor wire is now well protected. Rear wheel change out is a snap with the new tool less design which we are exploring for retrofit to the Neo line. I just may have to break the bank and find more room in my garage for this sweet ride. Anyway with the introduction of the new models Emotion has offered some sweet deals on last years overstock so it promises to be a good opportunity for budget conscious people to get on a top of the line brand. Overall early impression, Emotion has taken a very nice ride up a notch can't wait to see the whole line up so far nothing to disappoint...Ride on
Nothing new with later season product arrivals! Would rather see a manufacturer delay production to get technical issues worked out rather than have a customer & shop be the test group. There's negative backlash from all parties when that happens. Don't forget the slow downs at the ports in California--everyone has deliveries slowed this winter.
Lilrich99 your hired! Thanks for your candid and fair review of our 2015 models. I have been riding the new Nitro and while I would love to have the external charge port as the EVO line does, I've gotten used to not having it. I personally believe the trade-off in both range and a lack of external charge is worth the increase in torque and speed.

Unless you need the additional range, I have not found any other reason for any one to not consider (Ok, maybe price) the Nitro's. While the frame design is a couple years old, it is super stable and responsive at 30mph+ never feeling you are over your head and the upgraded Tektro Dorado brakes stop you very quickly.

As far as 2015 product availability goes, we have most of our key 2015 models in stock and any any remaining models will show up between now and the end of March. We have quite a few containers on the water and while the work slowdowns and dock strike has created additional delays from a week to a month, we are in pretty good shape.