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  1. BrianMura

    Bike drag

    Ran into this somehow and maybe it is useful?
  2. BrianMura

    Bike drag

    Hud, what did you mean by "unearned off switch" ? That seems quicker than shifting gears. Sometimes I wish we could reprogram the firmware, because maybe there is some bug in the torque sensor code. :-) Also I'm glad you are recovering! That's awesome that you can continue to bike at 71! I hope...
  3. BrianMura

    Bike drag

    Most of the time when I am stopped at a light and try to accelerate, I get no bike motor assistance at all, and I have to change gears to "wake it up." This doesn't happen all the time though, and maybe it's only when my bike has discharged up to a certain point. Since there is no motor...
  4. BrianMura

    Any chain drop solutions on the CCX?

    Thank you, Armchair. I installed the chain you recommended, and I haven't had a chain drop from a week of daily riding! The bike seems more solid all-around! Woohoo! :cool::D
  5. BrianMura

    Any chain drop solutions on the CCX?

    I finally installed the DECKAS narrow wide chainring today... how long has it been...? :eek: Anyway, the chain dropped on the first ride... :confused: It does feel like the chain doesn't jump around though. The chain is near 70% wear though, so maybe a couple links need to be removed? :p
  6. BrianMura

    Fitting water bottle on medium CCX & extending rear light - 3D printing

    Hey @Bryan Mcloughlin, congratulations on reaching 2000 miles! I'm only at 1100 miles. Recently, I fixed some sticky brake pistons :(....but then my battery stopped charging beyond about 50% :mad:. So I sent in my battery to Hi-C be rebuilt... After Hi-C analyzed it, they told me that it was my...
  7. BrianMura

    Any chain drop solutions on the CCX?

    Ah! Got it! Do you put any sort of lubricant on the chainring nuts when you put it back together, @youth ?
  8. BrianMura

    Any chain drop solutions on the CCX?

    @youth I got the Deckas 130BCD! What tools do I need to replace the chain ring? 5 mm and 8 mm allen wrench, crankset puller tool, torque wrench ?
  9. BrianMura

    CCX Rear Tail Light Real Finicky???

    I finally got the light replaced after I took a video and had Juice take a look. No questions asked and got a replacement. :D So far the new light seems good! :cool:
  10. BrianMura

    Yet another CCX owner

    Hey @linklemming, I'm glad to hear you are back on the bike... but why so many crashes? :eek:
  11. BrianMura

    New Juiced CCS2 Crosscurrent s 2 followup

    So everybody wants to know... does it have vents? :D
  12. BrianMura

    Any chain drop solutions on the CCX?

    Ah, I see! My chain drops in between the chain ring and the chain guard...
  13. BrianMura

    Any chain drop solutions on the CCX?

    ...I've been trying to figure out how this crank set acts as a chain guard. It can prevent the chain from dropping inside between the gear and the crank set?
  14. BrianMura

    New Mirror for Juiced ccs2

    Found a review with a Juiced Bike in it I think. :D
  15. BrianMura

    CCX Spoke Tension for Front and Rear?

    Juiced Bikes responded! I assume 1333 is meant to be 133: 117-1333 kgf drive side and 73 - 82 kgf non drive side Check link for rim specs.
  16. BrianMura

    Mount Juiced Horn on RipCurrent S. Where?

    It's not integrated. You have to charge it with USB.
  17. BrianMura
  18. BrianMura

    Mount Juiced Horn on RipCurrent S. Where?

    Here is how I mounted it on the CCX. Faces downwards but should still work. I merged the wire in with the other wires and put a zip tie around them to make it "flow".
  19. BrianMura

    CCX Spoke Tension for Front and Rear?

    Hey CCX fans, Does anybody know what the recommended spoke tension should be on the front and rear wheels on the CCX? Or alternatively, does anybody know the rim model so we could look up the spoke tension? I asked Juiced, but they did not answer yet. Thank you, -Brian
  20. BrianMura

    New CCX for me...

    Glad you didn't get hurt too bad, Andy. Look forward to reading your CCX review soon. :D