World War III

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It's interesting (especially considering the topic of this thread) that some of the most relaxing big open spaces with great places to ride are ex or rehabilitated military spaces. When I lived in Colorado I used to enjoy a ride at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (which used to house some seriously evil stuff - much worse that the usual things that go boom). I've talked with a number of folks who really enjoy rides in other similar areas - one example in Ohio - Joliet Arsenal and now called the Midewin US National Grassland a protected open space.

There's also a really nice big area (camp GageTown) near me that would be great for off road trail riding ... but much of it is a live fire range. :eek:
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I would be happy to bring their website into the modern era, because I like what s/he is doing... I think... Hard to tell from the website 😕
The navy has a practice area in eastern Washington??
Yes. They fly around here (Okanogan County) training. No dumping of bombs, just flying. They are famous for the drawing of a penis in the air. They fly out of Whidby. They also have a similar area around Randle. I had to let them know when helicopter logging was going on. They would fly very low up some of the drainages, and it was nerve wracking if you were down in an active logging unit.

I'll post this again. Navy Artists

One creative thinking dad told his kids it was a picture of the Arby's hat.
Maybe he's referring to Naval Magazine Indian Island. But you're correct, none in eastern WA.
(VN era Navy vet here)
I am not a he. And yes, Whidbey Island NAS pilots fly around here (Okanogan County) and to the SW over White Pass and then SW in the Iron Creek drainage South of Randle.

The story doesn't sound true. The Russians were slaughtering the people and they wouldn't let the people bury the dead. But the citizens told the Russians that it was a sanitation issue, so the Russians said "OK".
Concern for sanitary conditions for the citizens, as they leave, after mass murdering.
That doesn't jibe.
Who is conducting the independent investigation ordered by the UNSC? It's been very quiet since Russia called for an immediate meeting to start the independent investigation and was refused by the UK.

I am not a he. And yes, Whidbey Island NAS pilots fly around here (Okanogan County) and to the SW over White Pass and then SW in the Iron Creek drainage South of Randle.
They fly every day, where I live 😉.
Each and Every Day payment is complete
______________________________________________ =
One Billion ( One Thousand Million ) US $ for OIL and GAS

X has A billion dollars each day for his war.
More likely they’re on missions. Loose lips sink ships .
The newspaper reported that they sent a half dozen Whidbey NAS Growlers to Germany at the end of March to 'bolster NATO’s deterrence and defense capabilities along that eastern flank'
The newspaper reported that they sent a half dozen Whidbey NAS Growlers to Germany at the end of March to 'bolster NATO’s deterrence and defense capabilities along that eastern flank'
Ah loose lips and all, eh.

I also read a bit about the Russians left a trail of abandoned loot while on their retreat. The article did mention.....a washing machine.
I also read a bit about the Russians left a trail of abandoned loot while on their retreat. The article did mention.....a washing machine.
I read an article in which a photo showed a burnt Russian truck with a Mercedes-Benz on it.
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