World War III

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The head of Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin survived an assassination attempt two months ago.
They have to say some kind of gossip, don't they? As the commander of the whole nazi Azov "regiment" has been captured, are they going to spread that news far and wide?
The genius of the Afghanistan pullout is doing just as brilliantly handling the Ukraine situation. Fleecing the public and billions flowing to his own cronies. Weapons flooding the black market.
The genius of the Afghanistan pullout is doing just as brilliantly handling the Ukraine situation. Fleecing the public and billions flowing to his own cronies. Weapons flooding the black market.
Even though we sometimes feel it is merited our first President warned us about "foreign entanglements" I would tend to agree with Ol' Geo except in the case of critters like, Saddam, Tojo, Hitler. etc. When we interfere just to make the Plutocrats richer, that is a no-no and we have a history of doing just that.
Sad for Americans. Billions of Dollars are given away to Ukraine. All for nothing.
If NATO want to win ground warfare with Russia, they needs to send their newest MBTs to active Ukraine battle fields on the ground.

I'm gonna parrot a news that i watched.
Czech Republic is sending their T72 Tanks to Ukraine. In order to receive German Leopard 2 variant MBT.
This WWIII is still Russia vs Russia.
How do they pay you at the Internet Research Agency? In worthless rubles or potatoes?

Also fool, the Ukrainians are already trained on T-72s and can just drive them off the lot in Poland and to the front. It would take time they don't have to train them up on an M-1 or Leopard and they'd have to reorganize because the Leopard and M-1 have four-man crews while the Russian tanks have three-man crews and an autoloader and ammunition storage system that blows the crew to tiny bits when anything goes wrong. Which isn't surprising from a country that couldn't make a television that didn't explode back during the Cold War.

Дорогой грязный русский гоблин: вернись в свою грязную дыру в стране, которая является непротертой задницей мира, и трахни свою мать-шлюху. Надеюсь, ласка откусит тебе член.
Even though we sometimes feel it is merited our first President warned us about "foreign entanglements" I would tend to agree with Ol' Geo except in the case of critters like, Saddam, Tojo, Hitler. etc. When we interfere just to make the Plutocrats richer, that is a no-no and we have a history of doing just that.
Needed to invade but was actually helping Saddam all along.
"AUGUST 26, 2013, 2:40 AM
The U.S. government may be considering military action in response to chemical strikes near Damascus. But a generation ago, America’s military and intelligence communities knew about and did nothing to stop a series of nerve gas attacks far more devastating than anything Syria has seen, Foreign Policy has learned.
In 1988, during the waning days of Iraq’s war with Iran, the United States learned through satellite imagery that Iran was about to gain a major strategic advantage by exploiting a hole in Iraqi defenses. U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein’s military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.
The intelligence included imagery and maps about Iranian troop movements, as well as the locations of Iranian logistics facilities and details about Iranian air defenses. The Iraqis used mustard gas and sarin prior to four major offensives in early 1988 that relied on U.S. satellite imagery, maps, and other intelligence. These attacks helped to tilt the war in Iraq’s favor and bring Iran to the negotiating table, and they ensured that the Reagan administration’s long-standing policy of securing an Iraqi victory would succeed. But they were also the last in a series of chemical strikes stretching back several years that the Reagan administration knew about and didn’t disclose.
U.S. officials have long denied acquiescing to Iraqi chemical attacks, insisting that Hussein’s government never announced he was going to use the weapons. But retired Air Force Col. Rick Francona, who was a military attaché in Baghdad during the 1988 strikes, paints a different picture.

“The Iraqis never told us that they intended to use nerve gas. They didn’t have to. We already knew,” he told Foreign Policy.

According to recently declassified CIA documents and interviews with former intelligence officials like Francona, the U.S. had firm evidence of Iraqi chemical attacks beginning in 1983. At the time, Iran was publicly alleging that illegal chemical attacks were carried out on its forces, and was building a case to present to the United Nations. But it lacked the evidence implicating Iraq, much of which was contained in top secret reports and memoranda sent to the most senior intelligence officials in the U.S. government. The CIA declined to comment for this story."

"Squeezed to death | | The Guardian › weekend7.weekend9

Mar 3, 2000 — Half a million children have died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed - most enthusiastically by Britain and the US."

"Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

—60 Minutes (5/12/96)"
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What the war is all about. Timothy Snyder, Yale historian and author of ‘Blood Lands’ about Ukraine in WW2, is the scholar who has drawn the ire of Russia’s Fox News.
Read This: "Kremlin TV Betrays Darling Trump in Crazed Defense of Putin’s War"
A New York Times essay by Yale University professor and historian Timothy Snyder entitled “We Should Say It. Russia Is Fascist,” has spread through Russian state media like wildfire, producing a bombastic firestorm of outraged reactions from the Kremlin’s most prominent mouthpieces.

In his piece published last week, Snyder argued that after being defeated on the battlefields of WWII, fascism has once again raised its ugly head when Putin’s Russia unleashed its invasion of Ukraine. He pointed out the key signs of fascism, indicating that they match up with the current actions and rhetoric of the Russian regime. “If Ukraine does not win, we can expect decades of darkness,” Snyder concluded.

In a broadcast of state TV show The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov on Friday, the host of the program and its panel of pundits were breathing fire over the essay. Solovyov was so desperate to refute the article, in fact, that he resorted to lambasting one of the few Americans beloved by Russian state television: former U.S. President Donald Trump.
Russian propagandists seemed all too comfortable labeling their favorite American president as a fascist, despite the fact that they’re counting on Republicans—led by Trump—to gain ground in the U.S. midterm elections and follow an agenda favored by the Kremlin. Meanwhile, Biden’s falling popularity ratings have been discussed by state media with gusto on an almost daily basis. The Biden administration’s backing of Ukraine, including the brutal wave of sanctions against Russia over the invasion, has not sat well with Moscow.

“Author, professor of Yale University Snyder, is trying to convince the readers that we are waging a fascist war,” Solovyov fumed, referring to the historian as a “pseudo-professor of a pseudo-university. “[They say that] we call Ukrainians Nazis because they refuse to recognize themselves as Russians and dare to resist. Snyder knows nothing and understands nothing. He is simply a liar.”
What Yale is all about is being a garbage bag of democrat and war-hungry media liars. It's already been proven that Hillary staged the Trump/Russia hoax through UK ex-spy Christopher Steele, who is now on the scene once more with his tranche of silly lies for sale.
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What the war is all about. Timothy Snyder, Yale historian and author of ‘Blood Lands’ about Ukraine in WW2, is the scholar who has drawn the ire of Russia’s Fox News.
Timothy Snyder, the Holocaust expert who manages to not notice that the Ukraine regime is run by nazis who have tattoos and flags showing it.
“Author, professor of Yale University Snyder, is trying to convince the readers that we are waging a fascist war,” Solovyov fumed, referring to the historian as a “pseudo-professor of a pseudo-university. “[They say that] we call Ukrainians Nazis because they refuse to recognize themselves as Russians and dare to resist. Snyder knows nothing and understands nothing. He is simply a liar.”
Same applies to this Russian media personality as I know about Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. How do I know he is lying? His lips are moving.
I wonder if shortwave bbcnews and Voice of America are still broadcasting? Are the Russians jamming it again? Woman on the street interviews from there seem to indicate Russia is now a nation of sheep. The internet is too easy to block.
Having just read wikipedia about the freikorps 1919-1932 and the Kapp putsch, I have to say the ultra-militarism of post WWI Germany doesn't describe Russia. Post WWI Germany was fascist versus socialists+communists, and the facists won the battle of hearts & minds. Busted a lot of heads too, and did some assasinations of socialist leaders. I'd say a Russia is a one party kleptaucracy more like. Russians keep their head down and think only of family & friends. Read Hedrick Smith.
The Ivy league consultants got their advice to Russia badly wrong 1989-1995. With bands of mobsters (ex KGB mostly) fighting to establish protection rackets over businesses, the free market advice was silly. Stock market issues of state assets stayed in private hands about 2 minutes.
What killed disorder here 1866-1930 was the railroads, that controlled commerce over whole territories. The railroads had their own private police, and made their will stick. They owned many state legislatures. Ames owned congress for a while in the Transcontinental Railroad buildout. It wasn't a free market, but it made us rich & got us public education. Southern Pacific practially owned California, and Mexico too until ~1924. Coming from WVa I know all about railroad agents & mine guards. C&O ran an armored train into strike territory armed with machine guns. My grandfather was on the losing side of the miner's march on Blair mountain.
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.... Once they have swallowed one fallacy and have kept it down, they cannot bear to vomit it back up, to have to admit they were wrong or misguided or duped. Too embarrassing. So they double down.
This is aging wonderfully as self-portraiture.
During World War II, motorcycles were widely used by militaries to conduct reconnaissance missions. Japanese forces took to pedal-powered bicycles during the conflict’s Malayan campaign, using them to outmaneuver British troops moving more slowly on foot — in what became known as the “Bicycle Blitzkrieg.”
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Now, Ukrainian fighters are using electric bikes in the battle against Russia, mostly in support of reconnaissance missions, demining operations and medical deliveries, according to one of the Ukrainian e-bike makers involved. They’ve reportedly also been used for carrying out sniper attacks. The bikes have a top speed of 55 miles per hour and are relatively silent — helping their riders evade Russian fire.
Ukrainian e-bike firm Eleek initially gave a few bikes to the military when the war began, according to manager Roman Kulchytskyi. Soon after, they began to mass-produce bikes — kitted out in military green, with a small Ukrainian flag on the rear wheel — for Ukraine’s fighters.


“When the war started, we were shocked at first. … Everyone was worried and thought about what to do,” Kulchytskyi told The Washington Post. “But we all rallied.”
Working from a bomb shelter, Eleek began making a power bank based on lithium-ion battery cells it had left in stock. After struggling for parts, it turned to electronic cigarettes — launching a social media campaign to get people to send in their devices.
The military version of the bike was stripped down to remove parts such as mirrors and rotating lights that were considered unnecessary for trail riding. The company added footrests for passengers, improved the charging time, installed a battery control system and included a 220V output that allows soldiers to charge gadgets and can help power Starlink satellite Internet terminals, Kulchytskyi said.
Elon Musk’s Starlink is keeping Ukrainians online when traditional Internet fails
The bikes, which are fitted with relatively fat tires, are particularly useful in forested areas where riders can carve their own paths along unsealed trails. They weigh about 140 pounds — light compared with motorbikes — but can carry relatively heavy loads. One video posted on social media showed an armed Ukrainian fighter zipping along a road on an e-bike, apparently traveling as fast as an accompanying vehicle.
Another advantage of the bikes is that they may not be visible on thermal imaging systems, which are used to detect differences in temperature and help militaries pinpoint potential targets. That’s because the electric motor doesn’t heat up like an internal combustion engine, Kulchytskyi said.
He included pictures of the bikes carrying antitank weapons and said he had received feedback from the military that they planned to use the bikes to target Russian armored vehicles. During one recent mission, they recounted to him that several vehicles came back with holes but that the riders were intact.
Ukraine’s armed forces didn’t respond to a request for comment on the program.
A Delfast spokeswoman said the “primary purpose” of the company’s e-bikes is to reduce a user’s carbon footprint and make transportation more sustainable. She said Delfast hasn’t sold bikes or made modifications to the e-bikes to support any military action. The company is donating 5 percent of all sales to fund humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.
Ukraine isn’t the only military to try out e-bikes. New Zealand’s Air Force is testing locally made UBCO bikes for tasks such as reconnaissance and surveillance. Flight Sgt. Jim Reilly told an air force publication that the bikes made it much easier to carry out patrols. Their relative silence also provides service members with “great situational awareness” compared with noisy motorcycles or 4x4 vehicles, he said.


Australia’s military is funding e-bike trials for a range of potential combat roles. A recent military video showed troops from a mounted infantry unit known as the Light Horse Regiment winding through gum trees on the bikes.
In Norway, e-bikes were tested by border guards patrolling the country’s boundary with Russia. That project is on hold for now, said Rolf K. Ytterstad, a spokesman for the Norwegian army, because of problems with maintenance and the overall economics of the project. “We had good experiences with the e-bikes,” he said.
Fiinally 6/1 Pres Biden committed to ship Himars MRLS. How many Ukrainian solders had to face artillery with rifles to convince the man? They said they are low on 155 mm ammo. Why?
Now a few truck mountable cruise missiles to take out the Crimea bridge from Russia. US can pre-program for target before US ships them.
And some air defense that will actually protect east-west tunnels and bridges. Where I see Javelin on TV, it is behind the back of a soldier carrying a rifle. Jets & cruise missiles approach fast & disappear fast. Soldier has one second to fire at it. Has to be in his hands, powered up. Most mortals can't decide that fast, but I could. Easy in Ukraine, low jets belong to the Russia. no identification required.
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Fiinally 6/1 Pres Biden committed to ship Himars MLRS. How many Ukrainian solders had to face artillery with rifles to convince the man? They said they are low on 155 mm ammo. Why?
Now a few truck mountable cruise missiles to take out the Crimea bridge from Russia. US can pre-program for target before US ships them.
And some air defense that will actually protect east-west tunnels and bridges. Where I see Javelin on TV, it is behind the back of a soldier carrying a rifle. Jets & cruise missiles approach fast & disappear fast. Soldier has one second to fire at it. Has to be in his hands, powered up. Most mortals can't decide that fast, but I could. Easy in Ukraine, low jets belong to the Russia. no identification required.
He's shipping ONE? BidentheSickMan. He's determined,though. He'll fight to the last Ukrainian.
Jo, what have you been reading (and consuming)?

The Ukrainians have been getting mucho equipment from a lot more folks than just the US. Their armed forces aren't just sitting there with rifles.

"Low on 155 ammo" - who says? and in what context (low at the front, low in country, what?), low on regular 155 rounds or the high precision stuff? The Ukrainians don't have big stockpiles of ammo just sitting around waiting for a Russian missile strike, it's widely dispersed.

Launch a GLCM at Crimea? yeah that would be a good idea. First they aren't operational now and the only GLCMs the US built were armed with nucs, so can you imagine what the Russians would think if a GLCM was launched at them? Could the US re enable ground launched Tomahawks? Maybe, but I'll bet that would take a looong time to prepare, train and deploy.

The US position is no long range offensive weapons for the Ukrainians, so no cruise missiles, no long range ballistic missiles (ATACMS).

Do you believe that everything you see on video is of operational troops? Showing a few guys humping Javelins around doesn't mean that's how the front line guys are setup. Come on, the Ukrainians know how to deploys their weapons, and with the level of current experience I'll bet that knowledge is better than any operational knowledge in the US or other NATO forces ... and they aren't going to take the time to properly video how they're taking on the Russians for the world to see and study.

You have to be really really careful taking what's in the press as right up to date and totally literal. There are a lot of channels being used for discussions with the Ukrainian military and we're not hearing anything formal until it's passed through many individuals ... and the rest is just as likely to be BS.
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