World War III

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Here’s what a high ranking member of Parliment’s son is up too. I’m still waiting on DJTjr to take his well known hunting prowess there. Yes…give the Ukrainians all we can…don’t make it public. Look at this article and see the Russian’s response. If the Russians are firing from their territory blast the site.
"Low on 155 ammo" - who says? and in what context (low at the front, low in country, what?), low on regular 155 rounds or the high precision stuff? The Ukrainians don't have big stockpiles of ammo just sitting around waiting for a Russian missile strike, it's widely dispersed.

Launch a GLCM at Crimea? yeah that would be a good idea. First they aren't operational now and the only GLCMs the US built were armed with nucs, so can you imagine what the Russians would think if a GLCM was launched at them? Could the US re enable ground launched Tomahawks? Maybe, but I'll bet that would take a looong time to prepare, train and deploy.

The US position is no long range offensive weapons for the Ukrainians, so no cruise missiles, no long range ballistic missiles (ATACMS).
Ukr defense minister 6/1 on DW news said he was low on western artillery ammo.
Marines loaded a sealaunch cruise missile from a truck last year, launched from a beach, hit a target with it. Ukrainians can't air launch, they can't fly. If Ukrainians can't figure out how to launch a ship mount tube from a truck bed, they are dumber than marines. Missile as part of a proof-of-concept test.
US position quoted is wrong. Ukrainians are being hammered by missiles from continental Russia, including hypersonic ones. I posted here for MRLS weeks ago, enough incrementalism.
I've heard a jet overfly at 50 m in Germany, 1982. In woods you only hear it for 1 second before you see it, you see it for less than 1/2 second. That was subsonic.
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Jo, what have you been reading (and consuming)?

The Ukrainians have been getting mucho equipment from a lot more folks than just the US. Their armed forces aren't just sitting there with rifles.

"Low on 155 ammo" - who says?
Soldiers say.
Here’s what a high ranking member of Parliment’s son is up too. I’m still waiting on DJTjr to take his well known hunting prowess there. Yes…give the Ukrainians all we can…don’t make it public. Look at this article and see the Russian’s response. If the Russians are firing from their territory blast the site.
He's the only one scared out of his wits and screaming away their position. The rest them are pretty calm. He was accustomed to enemy having few resources and himself being massively supported with weaponry as they crush 3rd worlders.
Russia’s reaction to Grant blowing up Chechen terrosit.

Russia’s National Guard says Sgt. Adam Bisultanov, the commander of a separate operational brigade of the North Caucasus District of the National Guard, was killed in the “attack” on Russian forces by the “group of mercenaries from Great Britain and the U.S.”

“During protective fire, the armored personnel carrier in which [Bisultanov] was located took three hits from a grenade launcher and was wrecked,” the National Guard said in a statement Tuesday.

“The GoPro camera captured footage of the attack and one of the fighters of the mercenary group, the son of British MP Ben Grant,” the statement said, adding that the video will be provided to military investigators. Russia’s Investigative Committee announced this week that it was investigating Grant for his role “leading” the ambush.

Bisultanov had taken part in the war in Ukraine since Vladimir Putin launched an all-out invasion on Feb. 24. In light of his death and news of Grant’s alleged role in it, some Russian media reports floated the idea of him facing the “death penalty” in Russian-occupied Donetsk.

“He will have to run for the rest of his life,” Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote of Grant, noting that Bisultanov had been born in Chechnya, “where the principle of blood feud or vendetta is not empty words.”
Russia’s National Guard says Sgt. Adam Bisultanov, the commander of a separate operational brigade of the North Caucasus District of the National Guard, was killed in the “attack” on Russian forces by the “group of mercenaries from Great Britain and the U.S.”
How can I tell a Russian government employee is lying? His lips are moving.
How can I tell a Russian government employee is lying? His lips are moving.
Make that Joe the EasterBunny fearful and you're right. Last thing he claimed is that on Jan 6 they murdered 2 cops. That's a crazy lie. No cops got murdered. ZERO, A woman got murdered BY a cop, though.
Ukr defense minister 6/1 on DW news said he was low on western artillery ammo.
Marines loaded a sealaunch cruise missile from a truck last year, launched from a beach, hit a target with it. Ukrainians can't air launch, they can't fly. If Ukrainians can't figure out how to launch a ship mount tube from a truck bed, they are dumber than marines. Marines, working with Raytheon, used a Remotely,Strike Missile as part of a proof-of-concept test.
US position quoted is wrong. Ukrainians are being hammered by missiles from continental Russia, including hypersonic ones. I posted here for MRLS weeks ago, enough incrementalism.
I've heard a jet overfly at 50 m in Germany, 1982. In woods you only hear it for 1 second before you see it, you see it for less than 1/2 second. That was subsonic.
Joe says they told him that they are sending 4, which makes one battery. Uk and Germany I think, are sending the same each. Three batteries, which are not nearly enough, and will be destroyed
I saw that. Plus there's a meme floating around out there that's basically one of the factory safety signs with the title "Number of days since last Russian general killed". The number never seems to get very high.
Why exactly should the Untied States borrow over 40 billion from the Chicoms and give it to Ukraine,when we have so many needs here ?
Why exactly should the Untied States borrow over 40 billion from the Chicoms and give it to Ukraine,when we have so many needs here ?
Money laundering.. No oversight .. its been happening for many years in Ukraine. They will reach a deal soo and Ukraine will lose a bunch of land and a cease fire will be signed.. I hear rumors it might be soon.
Because Putin is like Hitler more, more, more so he has to be stopped because he won't stop he keeps winning. We must help stop Putin, we are the good guys you know. Wouldn't it be nice if Hitler had been stopped earlier on?
Why exactly should the Untied States borrow over 40 billion from the Chicoms and give it to Ukraine,when we have so many needs here ?
china holds approx 1/30 of the us national debt (most is owned by the public or other arms of the us government.) even among debt held for foreign governments, they only hold about 1/7.
Why exactly should the Untied States borrow over 40 billion from the Chicoms and give it to Ukraine,when we have so many needs here ?
If reading history doesn’t convince you…watch Tucker Carlson, he’ll have an answer that’s satisfactorily to where you’re coming from
Because Putin is like Hitler more, more, more so he has to be stopped because he won't stop he keeps winning. Wouldn't it be nice if Hitler had been stopped earlier on?
Hitler unified the German people with hate of Jews, (imaginary evidence), Slavs, and communist rioters (which were really dangerous in 1920 see Kapp pustch).
Putin consolidated power early on by having six Russian apartment houses blown up, then blaming the foreign looking Chechyans. (see PBS Frontline for speech of the fire inspector that found the millitary explosive in one failed attrocity). Chechnya cities were leveled. Then punishing the Afghanistanians became the nation building cause. Followed by punishing the revolting Arab ethnic Syrians. Putin's current narrative is that the democracy loving Ukrainians are the cause of all problems in Russia. Unfortunately, the Ukrainians are as attractive as movie stars and haven't made the mistake of attacking anything inside Russia. One attempt was made to blame some blown up oil tanks on Ukraine, but the story of Ukrainian attack helicopters 40 miles inside Russia shooting missiles just wouldn't play and the incident was forgotten.
Cost of current Russian war, $5.25 gasoline and grain & vegetable oils so expensive that millions will stave in poor countries. The Ukrainians would be happy to sell the stuff, it is rotting in their warehouses. The European Union is trying desparately to stop giving Putin $500000000 a day for oil and gas to punish the Ukrainians for dumping Putin's designated puppet.
I was selected by the draft in 1969 to protect the world against China & Russia, followed by losing the best job I ever had in 1980 to return to the US Army to train to suppress Russia in Europe. Wearing no beard no mustache, military hair, no peace symbols in 1968-73 did not endear me with the college women. As far as I am concerned, the more dead Russian soldiers invading their neighbors we can pay to execute, the better. The Russians were peace loving democrats for about a year before they returned to the politics of empire building.
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