Winter Sucks

OMG...What are you reading?

You can't make this stuff up. It launches with epigenetic testing affirmative action lawsuits and takes off from there with a high school teacher hording clay. It turns out that I have a signed edition.
I bought my wife some electric heated socks last year from Costco. I didn't find them when I stopped at my local Costco a few days ago. However, I checked the website for the manufacturer. They lowered the priced AND have a 50% off code, so I ordered a pair for me.

So far, bike riding in the Twin Cities Metro area of Minnesota hasn't been too bad this fall. We haven't had much snow, yet, though. I have ridden in two-wheel drive the past couple of nights just to make sure that it works and to get accustomed to it. When we do get more snow, I will have to be even more careful. It seems like we get snow and then the melt/freeze cycle often makes treacherous ice. Staying warm enough while I ride makes the whole ride more enjoyable, however.

I should also add that I do have electric heated gloves and a Milwaukee M12 heated vest and sweatshirt.
They won't fit on my bike with end handle bar mirror attachments,
I AM not giving up on my until I can find a pair that fit the mirrors,
I'll just have to use the military cold weather Lobster claw gloves, they seem to work down to 0*, so far, with hand warmers inside the outer pocket.
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I use yellow safety glasses in the fog and rain. I lost one high vis glove in a field yesterday, it was in a back pocket, so today I tried to retrace my path but it had rained last night. The field is 40 acres of black adobe that had been mowed an tilled. My bike looked and felt like it had been tared and feathered. The combo of sticky mud and chopped grass accumulated an inch & one-half thick layer around my tires. That combo is a regionally traditional building material. It hardens to form a brick. These structures stay cool in summer and warm in winter. The large awnings let the low winter sun warm the walls and serve as outdoor hallways, but shade the walls in summer. This one was built in 1836 and is still standing. So, I could have adobe my on my bike for 187 years if I don't wash it off before it sets.

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You can't make this stuff up. It launches with epigenetic testing affirmative action lawsuits and takes off from there with a high school teacher hording clay. It turns out that I have a signed edition.
Okay... Now I'm going to have to read it... Winter is setting in, 1st snow we just had was about 3". Way too early for this crap, so lots of time to read.
I am interested in hearing at what temperature different members will stop riding.

I have only had my fat tire e-bike for a matter of weeks now. In my area of the Twin Cities (Rosemount) Minnesota we haven't had much snow, yet. We have had a bit of cooler weather, though. Right now it is 24 degree Fahrenheit. I have been riding many days/evenings and trying to determine what clothing and equipment works best.

Have people here ridden in below zero weather and been able to stay warm enough to be comfortable?
I am interested in hearing at what temperature different members will stop riding.

I have only had my fat tire e-bike for a matter of weeks now. In my area of the Twin Cities (Rosemount) Minnesota we haven't had much snow, yet. We have had a bit of cooler weather, though. Right now it is 24 degree Fahrenheit. I have been riding many days/evenings and trying to determine what clothing and equipment works best.

Have people here ridden in below zero weather and been able to stay warm enough to be comfortable?
I ride in all temps, sub-zero (wind chill) to 100+. I don't ride when it is actively raining, snowing, or with winds in excess of 20mph.
I stay warm with hot warmers in my shoe toes, pogie mitts on my handlebars, silk long underwear, balaclava, etc.
Now I'm going to have to read it...
Big foot is now involved as are racist cops and a beautiful Swedish hacker from Afghanistan.
Tonight's First Friday at Five ride will be cold. It gets pleasant in the afternoons and then the temp drops like a rock.
Now, I have to find/make a battery warmer, all the one I have found so far are too small to wrap around both of Wart Hog battery's, I have to have 21/22" to wrap around both of them.
Temps down to single digits during the night time, and just barely into the 20/30*
for day time highs, with a 5/10mph winds from the North. No snow so far, but the Mtn's around here got a lite dusting last night.
I think it's time to put on the Long John's, as Old man winter has arrived,
I do believe.
I am interested in hearing at what temperature different members will stop riding.
I once had a 67 km (41.6 mi) ride (with a stop at the friends' place at the farthest loop point) at -9 C (15.8 F) with the wind chill factor of -13 C (8.6 F).


On the return leg of the trip, the blizzard started building up.

Within a couple of minutes, the road got covered with a deep layer of snow.

I tried riding at -15 C (5 F) but that was a short grocery shopping ride.
I once had a 67 km (41.6 mi) ride (with a stop at the friends' place at the farthest loop point) at -9 C (15.8 F) with the wind chill factor of -13 C (8.6 F).

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On the return leg of the trip, the blizzard started building up.

Within a couple of minutes, the road got covered with a deep layer of snow.

I tried riding at -15 C (5 F) but that was a short grocery shopping ride.
Holy cow... that is some really serious dedication. I hang it up at around 45,degF, and that's if there is no serious wind to contend with. Riding while there is any snow or ice is a big NO for me. After a bad spill I had last year, i don't care to repete it again.
Called my friend today to see if he wanted to go riding. We usally ride 5-6 days a week in the woods for about 2hours at a time.
He said "no, it's too cold."
He's a bit of a pussy. He's gonna hate January and February.
Too cold? In Loudoun County? I know parts of it are colder than here in Ashburn, but most of the late autumn through March the temps are in the mid 40s and often warmer. A few weeks of real cold in January or February but not that bad otherwise.

And I say this as someone who doesn’t ride in the rain or other bad weather. My cold limit is 45F, so I get the challenge.
Too cold? In Loudoun County? I know parts of it are colder than here in Ashburn, but most of the late autumn through March the temps are in the mid 40s and often warmer. A few weeks of real cold in January or February but not that bad otherwise.

And I say this as someone who doesn’t ride in the rain or other bad weather. My cold limit is 45F, so I get the challenge.
Yeah, that particular day it was only 35? Normally he and I ride all through the winter. I suspect he is going all wobbley on me.
Lucky to be in SoCal. Afternoon rides need to start earlier but we can do some night riding with lights.

Morning rides can start later as it won't get so hot.

And "It never rains in Southern California..." (sing it with me) so we can almost ride 365 days a year.
I believe I have mentioned the glaring lack of an "envy" icon on this forum before...
I am more likely to quit a ride early because of rain/sleet/snow than because of my butt or my battery over here this time of year ...
Envy icon welcome. What would it look like? When it pours, man it pours. We are in for an El Niño this Winter. There will be major flooding with landslides in Southern California. I still ride 365.25. And am with you brother. I must ride every day at least twice because I am a junky user who requires the riding fix. I can employ a radar app to see the brief brakes between downpours. And go. Even if I get drenched with hail it is worth it. I am that bad.
