Why is no one calling Out Criminal Scam Bosch was involved in with Nikola motors

Yes, genuinely curious about @Bill R's thoughts on the topic since reading a series of supporting and opposing viewpoints. Standing by the initial argument? Modified it at all?
You’re hysterically wrong, it’s impossible for Bosch to be a monopoly since it is 92% owned by a non-profit organization. Bosch doesn’t fit under the standard definition you provided so it is on you.

The Robert Bosch Foundation is a registered non-profit that owns 92% of ALL of Bosch and its subsidiaries. Essentially 8% of everything Bosch is for profit the rest is all given away via the aforementioned non-profit.

That’s something FANG
(Facebook,Amazon,Netflix,Google) does not and will ever do.

Whether it's owned by a nonprofit or for profit has no bearing on its status as a monopoly or not. Many American hospitals are formally non-profits, and they can be just as greedy and problematic as the competition.

Lol you can't disagree without misrepresenting my position. I didn't say it was a monopoly absolutely, but that by some definitions it is (and some not). Admittedly, it's impossible to tell without an investigation, because monopoly is more than a matter of market share, but courts have ruled that you don't need 90-100% share to be a monopoly.

Bosch doesn't need to be broken up, the tariffs need to come down.