@m@Robertson Matt, I am always searching for something better but range is still hugely important to me, even with 2,500 Whr of battery. I don't get many flats but I don't normally ride in areas to would give me a good oportunity for flats. The difference is power usage between a Maxxis Minion FBR, FBF 4.8 and the Jumbo Jim 4.8's was 5 Whr/mi and the bike feels so much lighter, even with a load. I also cannot stand a tire that self steer much and I run my tires in the mid to low teens on PSI, even on pavement. Tire pressure has a lot to do with how easy they flat. I got flats easily when I ran higher pressures without any decrease in Whr/mi.
You were in an earlier thread and convinced me to check out the flat out but the amount added increases the weight substantially. More than I was willing to go to when things are working now.
I would like to do the GDMBR or the Western Wildlands Route this summer or the summer after this and will likely beef up from the JJ's but range is a concern. The longest stretch without a plug-in on the GDMBR is from Atlantic City to Rawlins WY. A distance of 135 miles. I can't run much over 15 Whr/mi and make it, the rig is to heavy to ride in sand/gravel without some power. My "I don't give a sht" power usage is normally around 22-27 Whr/mi bikepacking. I probably cannot ride over 10 mph as my rig sits now.
My choices right now seem to be lose more weight, pack much lighter and build a lighter trailer for that trip. I hear what you are saying and I believe you but I don't seem to be able to match most people's number when I am on dirt tour.