What he said.
He said you better see a bike-fitter if you're suffering from your riding position

I found these grips worth every cent. Available in size small and large.
Ergonomic products for cyclists.
Since these are not the only Ergon grips I use, let me explain:
The GP3 are specifically good on the Vado. The angle of the grips can be changed by loosening a bolt but the little bar-ends are far more important. These allow holding the bars from outside and steering the bike as a boat is steered. You can adjust the angle of the bar-ends separately, so these might be almost vertical or almost horizontal or at any angle between (there is a scale at the bottom, so both bar-ends can be set at the very same angle).
The comfort of riding a bike with GP3s is hard to describe. Whenever you feel there is no need of braking, you just steer the bike like with a steering-wheel. It is good for your hands, arms, and... back. In case you need to brake, you can
instantly move your hand grip into the regular position. If the bar-ends are set at, say, 45 or 60 degrees (from the horizontal), you don't feel the rapid vibrations from the wheels. Your hand-hold can be very delicate and the bar-ends will travel (slide) freely inside your palm. The control over the bike is far more excellent that way.
I'm riding almost exclusively with my hands on the bar-ends even (or, specifically) on long rides.
To compare, so-called "five finger" GP5s feel too large, too overdone (using them on my third e-bike).