I think a big part of this is how the consumer reads things, and how Lectric does, and how they differ.
When I place an order for "early September delivery", I expect to receive it in early September. Preferably very early September.
When Lectric says "early September delivery" I think that is when the bikes will be delivered to them. And "early September delivery" could be any time in the first half of the month.
Then, they have to take the bikes out of the container (which likely arrived by slow ship), create a shipping label for each one, put it back into the container. Have the container shipped to fedex. Have fedex empty the container and start shipping.
If I get my "early September delivery" bike by the end of the month, and it is as promised, I will be happy. I kind of expected they were being optimistic.
Their web site should probably be updated to display realistic estimates of when the product would be delivered to the consumer.
The customer does not really care when Lectric gets the bike, they want to know when it will be on their doorstep.
Their other marketing was brilliant. And they probably have a lot of capital invested in getting this going (so needed as many orders as possible early on). And as near as I can tell they have made lots and lots of sales
To over promise delivery dates was probably a risk they had to take to keep the money flowing.
To survive long term they should probably under promise and over deliver. A happy customer generates referrals
Just my opinion.