If those numbers are accurate then you have zero problem. Your earlier 33 mph number must have involved a downhill or extreme pedaling situation, which means it was not useful info and in fact, caused incorrect analysis and therefore should not have been posted without full explanation.
A temperature sensor must be mounted INSIDE the motor, in the coils, where the heat is. An external sensor is nearly worthless.
Voilamart is a company that puts a sticker on a bicycle, they are not a motor manufacturer. Still have no idea whether this is DD or geared, but, 18mph unassisted and 15 mph on the hill, combined with the battery voltage and wheel size, that says no overheating in 3 minutes, or several times that. No need for any modifications of any kind, and as these are somewhat dependent on the still unknown type of motor you have, I would strongly recommend against it.
Do you have regenerative braking, or any motor-assisted braking? That is almost exclusively the province of the DD motor.