The first e-bike I saw in this flyover state was a Pedego that had fat tires & purple rims. The owner chased me down and asked me if I had seen his stolen bike. This was a replacement. Thieves carried his bike out over a 4' chain link fence. It wasn't locked.
My bike has aluminum rims, 2.1" tires, and is painted girly green. It has a girly drop frame. See the avatar. I've been riding it for 4.2 years, locking it up 2 - 4 times a week in front of grocery & dollar stores, churches, restaurants, my volunteer job. I use a 1/2" x 6' stainless steel cable sliing. Also a Abus 92/80 lock. Screws have been removed from the battery mount twice, and the tire has been knifed twice. I don't lock the bike in my garage.