What is a good "Multi Tool" for maintaining an XP?

Multi tools are weird, they vary a lot in quality and ergonomics and what will work or won't work for you can depend a lot on how big or small your hands are. So there isn't one good answer. A lot of multi tools, especially inexpensive ones or lightweight ones, have a very short reach and can be useless for getting at a lot of bolts.

If you are talking about maintenance at home, I'd spend the money to get a decent work stand that will hold your bike. Your back and your knees will thank you for that.

You can buy inexpensive basic bike tool kits, that can often be a good starting point and you can replace the tools you use frequently with much better ones. There is a basic one from Wal-mart that costs around $20.

Get a decent floor pump or compressor with a pressure gauge.

Some stuff I like and use pretty frequently:
You also can't go far wrong getting Park Tools. They have pretty much everything imaginable (and a lot that I never imagined) for bike repairs.