What are your plans for winter exercise? Keep riding your ebike or an exercise bike?


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What are your plans for winter exercise? Keep riding your ebike or an exercise bike? Being in a cold/snowy winter location, I’m thinking ahead to what my options are. If you have any specific suggestions as to training bikes I’d love to hear them.
I have been thinking the same thing. Having taken up biking again this summer after several years’ absence, I’m keen to keep up the physical activity. Snow will be a factor here in SW Ontario, Canada, but I will ride when I can (looking at winter tires). When that isn’t possible or appealing, I have a treadmill in the basement.
I’m just not a treadmill fan. Tried a Bowflex Max trainer a few years ago and it was just a bit much so I gifted it to my daughter and her husband. I’ve been thinking about a Nordic Track or other bike trainer. Peloton is pricier than I want to do.
What are your plans for winter exercise? Keep riding your ebike or an exercise bike? Being in a cold/snowy winter location, I’m thinking ahead to what my options are. If you have any specific suggestions as to training bikes I’d love to hear them.

I'm going to brave the 75 degree days here in Palm Springs and try and ride as often as possible. Maybe twice a day as I now have 2 bikes!
I'm going to brave the 75 degree days here in Palm Springs and try and ride as often as possible. Maybe twice a day as I now have 2 bikes!

We've just come through our winter. It was pretty brutal. I had to wear gloves and long sleeve some days.

To my cold climate compatriots, does winter riding mean a different set of tyres, a more rigorous cleaning regime, shorter battery ranges?
I will definitely have to put grippier tires on, maybe with studs. I will have to layer up with warm clothes and boots, long pants. Cleaning shouldn’t be too bad. My battery gives me 30% more range than I normally need in summer, so I expect it will be OK in winter, charged indoors.
Having factory-mounted fenders, I am sure studded tires would never work. I’m also not going to ride on slushy salted roads with my ebike.
What are your plans for winter exercise? Keep riding your ebike or an exercise bike? Being in a cold/snowy winter location, I’m thinking ahead to what my options are. If you have any specific suggestions as to training bikes I’d love to hear them.

I will put the studded snow tires on my trike......
I don’t ride in winter, but ride a recumbent exercise bike daily. If I feel really ambitious I can use the treadmill or elliptical, but that’s rare. 😉
As long as it isn't snowing/sleeting/icing/freezing rain, and the ground is OK and it isn't below 32 degrees F (0C), I'll ride outside. I have an old hybrid I can put on my trainer in the Living Room, but I find that boring after a while.

I can rest and recharge and wait out the cold, or I can join Sierratim in Key West (or my sister at her place in Key West) for a couple of daily spins around the island. Its gotta be a heck of a lot more fun riding the island bike lanes with an ebike than pushing a big 'ol heavy Schwin beach bike.
My neighbor's plan is similar to SierraTim's .... Orlando. Been working for him for a decade or two. I wonder about a trainer, but remember the nordic tracks, weght benches, and other gear sitting unused in my basement.
I am in Md. Hardly gets real cold here anymore and we rarely have snow. I plan to ride outside. We belong to a gym but I am not going there until after I get the covid vaccine.
I live on Vancouver Island, off the west coast of British Columbia, Canada. I think we have the mildest winters of anywhere in Canada, so I can ride throughout the winter months. The only time I don't ride is when it snows and that seldom happens here. Rain.....now that's a different story.
i road through last winter because it was so mild, maybe only 3 or 4 light snow days here in New Jersey and i barrelled right through with the FatBike! this year i will ride as long as the weather allows.
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