Further update: I recommend avoiding the FlyKly Smartwheel, and here's why:
Sadly, after many emails, FlyKly determined that I had caused the connection problem and they declined to help. Here's the thing: The charger connection is tiny and very hard to connect. In trying to connect the charger, I bent the very thin wires. I requested that they replace the charger free of charge as it's a design flaw and I have successfully used the wheel only 4 times, but they declined.
They told me to buy another charger at $159+ shipping to Canada. A new charger would have the same connection problem, so I'm forced to scrap the wheel. For the record, I looked into replacing only the plug, but only one place would try to replace it and they charge $85/hour for their work.
The connector to the charger and the terrible bluetooth, along with FlyKly's refusal fix these problems show a company that's willing only to shove a product out the door. I sent the wheel to the recycle yard and consider it an expensive mistake. It's too bad, because it's a great concept with great potential. Making things right would cost money in the short term, but make them a fortune in the long term.