Watt Wagons Ultimate Commuter 2 rides 175 miles now 1075 miles, more than 2 rides

I often also suffer from leg craps after a long ride. Usually they hit in the middle of the night.
On Tuesday I tried a new protein shake called Rumble, after a 70km ride. My legs were a bit sore after the ride, mostly because I rode non-stop for three hours.
That night I didn't have any leg craps.
Maybe I'm on to something.....more testing is needed.
I often also suffer from leg craps after a long ride. Usually they hit in the middle of the night.
On Tuesday I tried a new protein shake called Rumble, after a 70km ride. My legs were a bit sore after the ride, mostly because I rode non-stop for three hours.
That night I didn't have any leg craps.
Maybe I'm on to something.....more testing is needed.
If you're experiencing cramping, I'd consider electrolytes because cramping can be caused from not getting enough potassium, sodium, magnesium and even calcium. I've never seen any direct evidence that protein can help with cramps, although if it also contains enough of the others it would work.
I have a family history if it . I have some mediCal issues that may contribute, small red blood cellls which is related to my borderline anemia, my thoughts about it being related to the cramps. I also believe I am low on a few of the listed elements I think , had to take magnesium for something else but didn’t help cramps that I noticed. I think I don’t get enough potassium, try to eat more bananas and sometimes I have tried salt (potassium under my tongue )for anxiety attacks , seems to help for this, maybe related. Probably get enough calcium guessing by by hat I eat. Only real way to tell is get tested i suppose.

Under 70 miles usually dont get cramps ,no guarantee but a decent guess. Actually a 72 miles trip was a standard trip with a bench at the bottom of some larger hills usually good. i find I go faster at Ike’s on the longer trips squeezing more miles out just a few extra minutes, might be part of this with extra effort too 😁

no riding today, family and rain…actually good timing rain and family during down time

wether doesn’t look good tomorrow either.
Rome thx for the update I do like hearing this things I just didn’t understand the earlier versions , please continue to be yourself and I will ask when needed…I saw the dog post after I saw them here , made more sense

time to grill dinner
JakEmAll I love to be "not PC". However, I notice that it gets less than stellar results with most people - especially since my personal value is for things to work well for each person involved in any given situation.
JakEmAll I love to be "not PC". However, I notice that it gets less than stellar results with most people - especially since my personal value is for things to work well for each person involved in any given situation.
I've considered that possibility once or twice. Then I decided it was just them. :cool:
Yes, ribbing you. And yes anxious because of long wait. At first I thought I would be fine because I tend to think of myself as cool under pressure. But now I notice things and thoughts each day that are stressing me more than anticipated.
Yesterda’s ride of 65 miles I figured out something…when carrying weight , a spare battery ,1 apple ,2 oranges,sun screen or bug spray and a spare shirt in each pannier you must lock the front suspension or at least has the knob turned all the way towards to hard in order to keep control and balance. It was very “twitchy“ when left in the softest position. This makes sense after realizing what was going on. The front is up higher and the weight is even more biased to the rear.

it probably doesn’t help that the bottom of the panniers are not directly attached and have some freedom to swing a few inches before the straps stop them. I will also look at putting something, Bungee, on them to keep them against the bike frame

rhis was one of those this feels different what is going on and the light bulb went off where I understood moments. I had kept checking for a loose wheel, flat tire, even cracked frame. Experiments on a side street and getting tired of this weird feeling , concerned and upset I took off the bags and rode and it was fine , even set on soft. but tried a couple of setting s and figured it out.

i think I had it rademly set the knob on and off before and one of few times I had the combo of bags and loose setting but left it there thinking softer ride. anyway all good now , 2nd 1/2 ride ride was back to pure love, after the 1st 1/2 I’d of why did I buy this bike, it was so dramatic a difference.

I honestly believe this contributed to my last fall , knowledge is a great thing
"I honestly believe this contributed to my last fall , knowledge is a great thing"

I love it when I realize/discover something like this and all of a sudden I have better control and more say about the world I have responsibility for. Thanks for sharing.
You're an example of a very very satisfied Watt Wagons owner.
I've already started my daily riding, I'm at a diner place called Zippy's. Just waiting for breakfast.

I had a near miss today.
School age kids we're riding their hoverboards taking all the withd of the path inside the tunnel.
Partly my fault, I forgot the cyclist etiquette of riding thru tunnels eyes take a second to transition from bright to dark. I was probably doing my average speed for my ebike around 20mph.I hit the brakes real fast soon as I recognize their bright helmet.
I almost crashed , thanks to my Magura MDRP 220MM front 203MM aft.
Other than that all clear on the path.

I got those on my order for WW bike.
Glad you caught it in time Rome.

Are those boulders volcanic rock? I love big boulders like that and would usually think of it taking a tractor to move them. Those, I'll bet two guys could roll around.
I dunno. I'm a fairly big guy and even with the use of a metal bar as a lever I've struggled moving boulders half that size...even with a roundish shape (they're never round enough). Unless they're not just volcanic but pumice.
Yes that's it. Bizarre for how light it feels in the hand - thanks JakEmAll.

Okay Rome, thanks for the update. Not what I thought it might be.
Speaking of my CC lol, I am about to leave , at least by 1030, hoping I can complete a longer ride today. Great weather , bit warm but I am ok with warm weather, good reason to move to this area. Off to the my favorite trail Silver Comet some attached Chief Ladiga trail too.
Well this is disappointing! I went about 2 miles before finding/feeling and then figuring out my bike is not right. There is something loose/broken/wrong in the front head tube. There is a notched detent feeling at the center point of turning the handle bars. It can be felt with the wheel off the ground , more so with the the wheel on the ground, and a disconnect with small motions left and right when steering with the front wheel rolling you can feel the centrifugal force of the front wheel through the handlebars…hard to describe. I cannot duplicate nor would I hope I can with my wife’s bike

this excessive weight I thought I felt from from the bags is not the case but something is not right, something is fixable, yay!

so I walked and rode 1 foot on pedals coasting slowly home, switched to my Bh. It was working pretty well so I can ride with no motor but powered on to the point I got 45 plus miles on the 1 st battery, normally 25 using power all the time. Then I got electrical errors which were hard to get rid this time. when it started working I turned around not knowing what would happen next. I was going for Alabama , hard to do with this bike , I had the range this time since the bike was letting pedal un powered

well got back and all seemed ok but when I went to charge everything this morning i saw that the new rear light which came with my new bike and was mounted to the seat bars was gone , the mount and light must have fallen off after my last stop somewhere, bummer. I have an older rechargeable plain red flahy light but hate to lose anything.

Getting ready to go to the bike shop when they open to see bout the front tube
I often also suffer from leg craps after a long ride. Usually they hit in the middle of the night.
On Tuesday I tried a new protein shake called Rumble, after a 70km ride. My legs were a bit sore after the ride, mostly because I rode non-stop for three hours.
That night I didn't have any leg craps.
Maybe I'm on to something.....more testing is needed.
Same here. Did you see that thread where we were talking about pickle juice? Stops cramps instantaneously almost.
Well this is disappointing! I went about 2 miles before finding/feeling and then figuring out my bike is not right. There is something loose/broken/wrong in the front head tube. There is a notched detent feeling at the center point of turning the handle bars. It can be felt with the wheel off the ground , more so with the the wheel on the ground, and a disconnect with small motions left and right when steering with the front wheel rolling you can feel the centrifugal force of the front wheel through the handlebars…hard to describe. I cannot duplicate nor would I hope I can with my wife’s bike

this excessive weight I thought I felt from from the bags is not the case but something is not right, something is fixable, yay!

so I walked and rode 1 foot on pedals coasting slowly home, switched to my Bh. It was working pretty well so I can ride with no motor but powered on to the point I got 45 plus miles on the 1 st battery, normally 25 using power all the time. Then I got electrical errors which were hard to get rid this time. when it started working I turned around not knowing what would happen next. I was going for Alabama , hard to do with this bike , I had the range this time since the bike was letting pedal un powered

well got back and all seemed ok but when I went to charge everything this morning i saw that the new rear light which came with my new bike and was mounted to the seat bars was gone , the mount and light must have fallen off after my last stop somewhere, bummer. I have an older rechargeable plain red flahy light but hate to lose anything.
Thanks for the update, but I'm a bit confused over your post. You have a problem with your front head tube and an electrical problem, where you can't pedal with power, but can coast with power, using the throttle?
You've had your share (and more) of problems with this bike. I hope my upcoming FS titanium UC won't be anywhere near as troublesome.