Watt Wagons Ultimate Commuter 2 rides 175 miles now 1075 miles, more than 2 rides

Maybe … :( and the right shift or brake or one of them moved , either way can’t physically push the right shift button , lever is blocked by other mechanism….it is no longer new and now broken in :)
I am pretty happy with my thread and my bike (except it being bent lol) and I cant ride , too sore and see previous comment “bent”

can someone pls translate the comment above , old and out of touch…. :)
I love your thread and the information /experience you share with us in it Opimax.

Someone else (Rome?) could say for certain but since Rome posts pictures of riding in HI I suspect BB is making references to a form of broken english spoken there. "Like .....teach you...."

I've been wondering, and all of a sudden the light clicks on, Oh that's what could account for that.
My use of the English language is lacking too Rome. And I often cringe at putting my thoughts down more permanently in written form. But alas, I have no excuse. I just flat out didn't like english class or rules that don't make sense and vary from here to there.

I jumped in with what I saw as a bit of good natured ribbing. My apologies if I added to your hurt feelings in any way.

Hi there.
I prescribe you go riding. Spin the wheels on your bike.
I was spinning the wheels on my bike. Then I find myself in this thread.
Too much Drama here .Everyone here need to spin the wheels on there bike.
I was looking for some nice things about the WW brand.
Instead I find bickering like all wanna be writers and crickets.
Wanna be critics. Show me some pictures.
I can not read. I like pictures better.
Here's a cricket chirp, 'brother cyclist' tip: You must learn to read.
Reading skills are a prerequisite for communications (humor) and very important to a cyclist.
What if a lady likes your tightie - tights and slips you a note? You'd be like 'duuuuuuuuh'?
And not reading well can dangerous.
Fer' instance, there might be a sign: "Bridge out ahead"; "Caution: 'Rabid Moose in Rut' Area"; "Warning: Downed Power Lines"; "Missing Persons. Any information on the 23 people having gone missing in this area over the past two months ... etc"; "Navy Bombing Range"; "Pot Patch Ahead. Trespassers Will be ....". "Cougar/ Black Bear ALERT"; Alligator Crossing" ...
... as you go placidly "spinning the wheels", pedaling by and end up a morsel for a bear - after having been infected with plague, assaulted by a sex crazed moose that found you drowned in the river with the bridge out, where you were left by the serial killer - electrocuted by pot farmers and riddled with holes from your bombing range excursion 😵.
Ruin your whole day.
It's an existential world out there with 'wheels spinning' 🤪 without a clue. You must learn to read, my brother.
Differences in opinion; satirical humor; documenting firsthand experiences; condolences for a respected hearty comrade's injuries; occasional frustration; preferences, outcomes, and a busload of ignorance (that sounded good) being debunked, et al are products a robust conversation, not "Drama" and "Bickering".
Keep in mind this all said by an old man in jest.
I can't wait to see your mountain, trail runs on that Hydra.
My Old Dog from Lahaina (A Jeweler for Pang for years) say's : Be sure and look up.
Do the buds really "grow on trees" there ? Maybe they train monkeys to carry water up the trees?
In Cali and the Left Coast when an area gets invaded and stuff is 'found' (that was never lost), the owners have been known to cut down what's mature, boobytrap the immature plants and leave. It costs them half the crop and they have a big investment, five months time, and it's all over because someone knows where it is. Some of these guys are Vets. All of them are serious or they won't last a season. Many are 'mean as a snake'. Bootleggers usually are. These ain't hippies.
All jokes aside, the violence is no joke. Being doused by a tripwire rigged container of pure malathion is definitely no joke, nor are Punji sticks.
It would've been a fascinating sub-culture topic for Tom Wolfe (The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Kool-Aid_Acid_Test His book "The Pump House Gang" even has a story about two local San Diego surfers who committed suicide together.
Unfortunately he passed on a few years back - no doubt open casket and him 'decked to the nines'.
That guy was a real 'dresser'.

Just bein'



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I love your thread and the information /experience you share with us in it Opimax.

Someone else (Rome?) could say for certain but since Rome posts pictures of riding in HI I suspect BB is making references to a form of broken english spoken there. "Like .....teach you...."

I've been wondering, and all of a sudden the light clicks on, Oh that's what could account for that.
I hear him loud and clear. You're being terribly generous - to someone that claims he steals growers cannabis for his living.
"Hydra will be a very useful tool for me to search for pakalolo deeper in the mountain".
Perhaps when he falls down the mountain I'll have sympathy.
@Rome - humblest of apologies for trying to be a smartass-haoli”boy”. In my brain, I read you and hear my best friends voice. Please take that as a HUGE compliment…..
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Back from a 4 day trip to visit uncle Karl , 103 and headed to hospice but happily he is better now than in a long time so no hurry.

I need to take some pictures of the damage to send to Pushkar so he knows what to expect when we get to Boston to pick up the other 2 bikes, getting excited again 😁

I also need to take pictures of the Stromer St2s for a potential purchase , wife’s bike until I replace it with one of the UCs

Also need to check with Trek Corp shop I brought my Allant to for repair, it would be great to have a spare bike again.

if I change the rear brake pads on the BH and say a few prayers it may be rideable too, haven’t written since the crash before the last one . Crash could have fixed a few things for all I know and stop getting so many errors lol
Are you still ribbing me?
I'm on a 10 mile Saturday morning ride. I went to check if the grass needs cutting. I enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass on the trails. The Kubota in the pic belongs to the Agricultural Department University of Hawaii. In fact I'm on a farm owned by UH .I ride that thing because I can. Please don't suggest to the readers "stealing ".In reference to your pic. That's a pakalolo? It looks like something me and my penguins decorate for the holidays. Tourist mostly from mainland prefer the more colorful ones. Can't wait to get my WW Hydra now I have an idea what to search for. I know a place where those grow as natural part of the vegetation. Tomorrow I'll make time to ride to the other side of the farm to check out the pumpkins. Today I don't have time, gotta cut some more grass afterwards head to the bike shop to replace or add more sealant for my tubeless tires.
When the Hyra comes that will be the first upgrade for it.
I'm purposely writing more practicing my English.
What you think so far. It took me a good half hour to compose and eat lunch.
I guess I'll need to read the section on posting pictures on this forum. Your pictures add a lot of intrigue to your posts Rome.
sent pictures to Pushkar, said it was a hard fall, laughed to myself , lightest one of the last 3! installing brake pads on my BH rears to see if I can get it going well enough to ride til we do Boston. when we go pick up bikes we want do a some riding there, any recommendations to ride?

hoping my Trek is repaired and I can pick up tomorrow, so I have 2 working bikes but 1 will be enough, either 1 for a couple weeks , want to ride again! Leg is good enough
No worries Brah. I wasn't upset at all, only skosh partly because I did not have a quick reply to "penguins ". More upset at the replies when I shared my thoughts about using the Hydra for pakalolo detail, words like "shallow grave" "better not come around copperhead row" 5150".
Bonkers brah? Mainlanders are willing to murder a human being to protect their pakalolo.
Cultural shock for me, Island Culture 🏝 is far more relax. Here, pakalolo is regarded as a wildflower, when cultivated it's way more better.
I like Opimax 's thread for the fact that he is riding his new Wattwagons ebikes and sharing it with us and the pics are a plus. I like the way it is going. I would call it" ride and share ".
This is my ride today. Enjoy the pics. Open market Island Style.
Being we are on a bike forum. I'm trying out the $50 Johnny Watts tyres, 27.5 x 2.80. I have had the" green slime "removed and replaced with
"stans white sealant. " green slime: bike vibrates on long descend noticeable on asphalt. white sealant no more vibration.
On each pic you will see The Johnny Watts.
Johnny Watts trials for the WW Hydra
Last pic is the" Peace Bell"
✌ sorry no more shaka emoji yet.View attachment 95139View attachment 95141View attachment 95142View attachment 95143View attachment 95144View attachment 95145View attachment 95147View attachment 95148
Great info on sealant vibration.
Broke my leg somewhere between 8 - 1000000000 falls ago, happy I have not need a dr from this fall, probably should have.

Test rode the 2019 BH Easy Motion Evo City Nitro, works well enough to ride tomorrow.

Thx for the suggestion, looks like a good idea

Crank case cracked ? Hope not , don’t see it , rode 5 miles or so on throttle afterwords, I am hoping the sacrificial crank arm
took 1 for the team
Rode the Bh yesterday after removing the rear wheel and replacing rear brake pads, also put on different pedals. Bike rode great , almost would buy again…nah…but still was a nice ride, i must have got lucky got the wheel in a good position in relation the torque sensor

I have a working bike , can do maybe 80 plus miles a trip so I can wait for the repair and the new bikes a week or 2

Heard from Trek on the other bike today, not real happy. A problem that showed up in the 2nd month of ownership with only 1200 miles is now costing $285 to rebuild the rear wheel with help from Trek. I will be giving Corparate an ear full after all the hassles I have been through due to the misdiagnoses on the original shop. Paying for additional wear repairs which weren’t needed , multiple shop visits and my favorite is the bad attitude I got from the service manager.

ride tomorrow…
I was inspired by Opimax's infectious optimism. And at the end of his post, in touch with the feeling of fun and freedom of planning the next days ride.

My wife's one bike has been down for over two months now. So our twice a week ride days have been on hold, or a few times, she hiked while I went further up the hill and zoomed back down a while later to check in.

She is resistant to what she sees as "too much stuff" or wasteful. One of the many things I love about her. This has been long enough that she sees the value in us both having two bikes.

Then, I'll be smiling, and looking forward to todays ride. :)
Spare bikes are not wasteful ! They are necessary. The Trek mayy become a spare if it doesn’t need a chain and cluster so often…and the repair works.

Purchase bike = n+1 while working bikes = n-1 has been my experience. It could be my fault , it could be the bike’s fault but is pretty consistent

1 more equation being known for ebikes amoung friends = n+2 for your couples

Maybe someone can solve these 3 equations better than I, n= a gizzillion?