Warning about Eunorau

He mentioned that he expected it because he also saw Brent's review.
Any time I order parts or bikes I carefully review the specs. Especially the motors. Due diligence is crucial. Whenever dealing with Chinese resellers we need to remember the translation is often Chinglish. Terms are often missused or bungled in the translation. It is what it is... Not that I'm blaming the OP. A shame but it does happen. Honestly, the shop I work with has had nightmares with this direct-to-consumer eBike seller. A tough lesson. We have no hold and no protection on direct sales.
stay away from this brand, I bought a cheap model from them, which came with a defective throttle switch, after sending me a replacement controller and not resolving the problem, they gave up on me and stopped respoding to my email and blocked my post on the FB group
I purchased my Fat-HS after all this had settled out I guess, and it appears that eunorau had corrected their website before I got on scene to the ebike world. If not I might have been embroiled into the same controversy.
Thanks for the warning yippy'. In addition to never seeing the incorrect advertising, I also didn't go directly through eunorau but rather through an online dealer (https://urban-ebikes.com/) that had better deals than eunorau direct did at the time.
The only problem I had was in dealing with the 17AH 2nd battery not fitting the smaller FAT-HS (17") orange and black frame. I couldn't get it in there. After going back and forth with the (seemingly caring and patient) dealer they
said that eunorau tech support insisted that it should fit. It doesn't fit the way it should (IMO) but because the dealer was so patient (lots of emails and photos between us) I really tried one more time...and I got it in place. My reluctance to risk breaking it (the plastic battery housing) was holding me back, but with some effort and maneuvering and some force which caused the plastic to flex but not break, It does fit.

So anyway, all that to say thanks Yippy for alerting us about eanorau terms of service, even if I did show up late after the fact.