Wait Time...

Thank you Allen!
I am looking forward to getting it.

Only 13 more days left - 'til it's August.
I think this means that I have less than 14 days left to go to get my bike - right?

@Optibike_Austen; are you out there?
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Hey Greg, your Allroad is due for July delivery, as you said, but it should be worth the wait because instead of having them assembled overseas, we will be assembling the new run of Allroads here in Colorado with a higher quality fork, wheels and Schwalbe tires, amung other nice improvements to make the bike better than ever.
Hey Austen, how are you guys doing on the assembly and shipping of the July bikes?
I haven't heard anything lately and am curious to know. Thanks!
Hey Austen, how are you guys doing on the assembly and shipping of the July bikes?
I haven't heard anything lately and am curious to know. Thanks!

Hey Greg, the Pioneers are (finally) done and will be shipped from overseas this week, they should be here in a week or so hopefully, then we just need to assemble yours and ship it out.

Since yours will unfortunately be a few weeks late we can offer you a lightly used demo Allroad that we could send you next week, and also give you a discount on what you already paid since it does have a few miles on it, or if you don't mind waiting a little longer we should be able to have your bike ready in about 3 weeks.
Hey Greg, the Pioneers are (finally) done and will be shipped from overseas this week, they should be here in a week or so hopefully, then we just need to assemble yours and ship it out.

Since yours will unfortunately be a few weeks late we can offer you a lightly used demo Allroad that we could send you next week, and also give you a discount on what you already paid since it does have a few miles on it, or if you don't mind waiting a little longer we should be able to have your bike ready in about 3 weeks.
Thanks Austen.

I sent you a "PM".
Ohhhhh Mannnnn!!!

We've all been watching your story unfold here, did you shoot 5 or 6???

Either way congrats! Nice service from Optibike too!
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Ha - Haa.

I opted ("Optibike - get it?) to wait for the "new" bike and yes they're treating me well so far, in spite of the delay.
Austen says it could be 2, maybe 3 more weeks.

In the business I'm in we wait for boats like this a lot. Sometimes there are strikes at the ports and other delays that can't be foreseen as well.
It happens all the time and it's out of their control to an extent, so I'm good with it.

BTW; "5 or 6" what? Beers? Shots of tequila? Squirrels?
Please clarify, J.R. ...
We've all been watching your story unfold here, did you shoot 5 or 6???
Yeah J.R. I was wondering what this meant too.
And Greg, my Allroad was delayed when it got to Long Beach, but I can hardly remember all that crap.
Good things are worth waiting for. And the Allroad has turned out to be a very good thing indeed.
That thought ran through my head.... Just was very curious!

I liked that OB offered a bike now option, but I would've waited a few weeks for the new one too.

You can easily become a script writer ..!!

Now, @Greg A get his bike in 3 weeks, someone's gonna sleep with the fishes :D
@Greg A . Are you pedaling yet?
I guess I should have qualified my answer a bit.
I am riding some, but on my Specialized Rockhopper that I bought exactly 30 years ago this month.
My wife and I each got one right after we were married and our two kids each took them off to college.
Our son won't give his up, but our daughter just went off to grad school so I have that one back - for a couple of years.

Which brings us back to the Allroad - I hope it arrives before she graduates and wants "her" bike back...
Hi Greg A:
Yeah, I remember the waiting for my Allroad (but just barely).
You've got the patience of Job which is probably just what you need here.
I'm sure you're getting tired of the waiting game, but when it shows up, you'll think you died and went to heaven. Trust me on that.
My Allroad just ticked over 1,700 trouble-free miles and has truly rocked my world.
We just finished Gregs bike, we will get it shipped out soon, here's a picture :)

It looks like Opti is equipping the Pioneer with a good wheel set - Schwable tires and WTB rims.

Optibike has always impressed me with the motor power and battery size package. They had a 400W original NiMH bike in 2004-6. Then they upgraded to a 20 Ahr lithium and a 800W motor, then 850W. They never really tell you, but I think that is the power out of the battery - easy to measure.

Now Opti rates the bikes at 700 and 750W bikes, which for legal reasons, is referenced to the wheel using a dyno (I am assuming here). But the guts are likely the same.

It will be sweet to see their 750W MBB in PAS.
It took four months (ordered May 2nd), but Fed-Ex delivered my bike to my doorstep yesterday.

Jim Turner was great, and he took the time to call me and help answer my questions about some of the changes they've made to the bike since I ordered it.
There are some up-grades to the brake discs, handlebars, wheels and tires, front fork, derailers etc. And the color is obviously different now. I also had them put on the ergonomic grips to replace the red ones in the photo above.

I've been way too busy with work, but after getting it put together I only have a grand total of 3 miles on it zooming around the block like a kid and getting used to the assist levels and shifting. But this thing is a Blast!
It performs really well (so smooth - and quiet), it's better than I thought it would be and when I have time (soon - I hope) I'm hankering to try it out on some of the hills in the area. Will give another report on that, and maybe a photo of the bike.

A thanks to everyone on this forum for the encouragement and help during the wait - it was so worth it.
And also, a special shout out to Court for this extremely helpful forum!