Vado "turned off incorrectly"?


Well-Known Member
Rochester Hills MI
I turned my bike on this morning just so I could use MC to tweak a couple of settings and noticed an error icon in the Diagnose tool. When I checked, it was flagging an error with the explanation that this error occurs "when the bike is turned off three or more times in a row" and that it will then disable motor support until a "complete restart" is done.

Is this an actual problem or is it some sort of firmware glitch? Is there something I'm not aware of about turning the bike off other than just pressing the power button until the LEDs go out? And what would a "complete restart" consist of doing?
Oddly enough I too had this message upon turning on the bike for today’s ride. The display reads ‘motor error’ but a simple turn it off and turn it back on resolved it in less than a minute. I always turn the bike on, go for my ride, turn the bike off in the driveway, pull it in to the garage, park, connect the charger, wash, rinse, repeat. First time, but odd.
Some months ago I also got a display 'motor error'. There was no motor power. I turned the Vado off, counted to 30 and 'rebooted'. It was OK after that, which was handy since it still over 10 miles to home. I neglected to check MC for any error messages before rebooting.

At home I cleaned both the battery and frame mounted contacts with a plastic friendly contact cleaner. The display error has not reoccured.