Vado SL external battery


Well-Known Member
Rochester Hills MI
Can the bike be configured to use the auxiliary battery first before drawing on the internal battery? I've seen conflicting info on this.
Can the bike be configured to use the auxiliary battery first before drawing on the internal battery? I've seen conflicting info on this.
Yes. There is a toggle switch in customized ride settings in Mission Control whereby user can specify to use the range extender first. Any doubts and I can try to post a screen capture.
Yes. There is a toggle switch in customized ride settings in Mission Control whereby user can specify to use the range extender first. Any doubts and I can try to post a screen capture.
Thanks. This was just related to my pre-purchase research.
I just got one of these a couple of weeks ago. I have a Vado SL 5 EQ and a Creo CC EVO so it works on both. The default Mission Control setting is even draw down of both batteries. I have used it on both bikes with the default setting and the drain on both batteries was exactly even. Have not tried the range extender first setting. Frankly, I don't think I'll use it that much. Most of my rides are well within the range of the main battery on both bikes. I tend to ride mostly in eco mode & it's not real hilly in these parts. I do have an MS Ride planned this fall & will probably have it strapped on the bike for that. Getting the range extender cable connected and locked in place takes a little practice & I wonder if the locking connector will hold up over time.....We'll see.
My advice to @rochrunner is to wait until you understand your needs vs. the main battery range before you put down the money for one of these.
I just got the range extender yesterday. The locking connector took me a few tries before I got it to lock. I assume with a little practice it will get easier.

I think it would work for your tour plan. I also got the Y-cable so I can charge the bike and the extender at the same time.
I did a windy hilly 35 mile ride with the extender. I used about half of total so it's nice to not worry about it. You have to disconnect the jumper cable from the bike and battery side to attach the Y-cable to bike, battery and charger. Seemed to charge both in about 2 hours.
I recently purchased a Range Extender battery. The initial charge took over three hours. The main battery generally takes about 2.5 hours to charge. Yesterday after about 80 miles it was time to recharge the rascals. It basically took all afternoon. First the RE and then the main Battery. My LBS has ordered the Y-cable for me, I hope it comes soon.... I really hope the cable will speed up the charging process. I don't see how the Y-cable can charge both batteries in less time than charging the main battery by itself...
I recently purchased a Range Extender battery. The initial charge took over three hours. The main battery generally takes about 2.5 hours to charge. Yesterday after about 80 miles it was time to recharge the rascals. It basically took all afternoon. First the RE and then the main Battery. My LBS has ordered the Y-cable for me, I hope it comes soon.... I really hope the cable will speed up the charging process. I don't see how the Y-cable can charge both batteries in less time than charging the main battery by itself...
Let me add that my Garmin 830 with the Ebike Field add-on shows 100% when both batteries are available and fully charged and appropriately decreases to show remaining power as the battery is in use. I have to use the Mission Contol App to see the actual charge levels. The on board display leds of course can be used as an approximation to the battery levels.
. . . I don't see how the Y-cable can charge both batteries in less time than charging the main battery by itself...
It won’t. The charger will deliver power at about the same rate, so it will take about the same time as it would to charge them sequentially. The Y-cable just offers the convenience of not having to return to switch the connector. Disappointing :(
I was charging from 50% on both batteries. so roughly the same as 75% on the main battery. I was happy to not have to worry about how much charge I was using since I was keeping up with a faster rider.

It is very convenient to plug them in to charge and walk away.
My Y Cable for my Vado SL came in a couple of days ago...Today after a brief ride I had about 73 miles on the previous charge and a little over 30% charge left according to my Garmin 830. I decided to see how long it might take to charge the batteries using the Y cable.

It took about 3 hours and 20 minutes before the charger changed from red to green. Actually Mission Control indicated that the batteries were charged to 100% after about 2 hours and 30 minutes, however the leds in the TCU were still flashing the last led.

Was Mission Control being a bit optimistic about the charge state?
Was Mission Control being a bit optimistic about the charge state?
Since the measurement methods are different, I wouldn't see the deviation as overly dramatic. I think the TCU delivers the safer result here. However, the charger should be able to recognize whether the battery capacity has been expanded or not in order to adapt the charging current. It's a shame that the respective charger cannot do this until today. Meanwhile, Specialized takes care of all kinds of electronic gadgets, just not what would actually make sense! :rolleyes:
Thanks for the correction and info, @Rincon . 👌

My comment was based on wattage draw from an external power source. I saw the same draw using the splitter cable to both as I saw when charging only the main battery and concluded, incorrectly, that there was no benefit. The charger seems to be what’s limiting, so it slows down charging of the main battery In order to also charge the RE. I’ll have to try the splitter again and see if it does in fact save time as well as offering convenience.