URGENT HELP NEEDED!Yamaha PW motor, short circuit, water damage


New Member
Hi everyone.

I had my ebike with Yamaha 250W PW motor, for the last 2years and 7 months.
Did 28 000km on it.
I was extremely happy with it especially because it was working as new, even after so many kilometers!


Few times, (allready more than 1 year ago), when my left or right pedal was down, and i was turning to left or right, turning in slightly bigger angle, i hit the ground with pedal several times during some period. Since then i felt that cranks had strange wobble while turning pedals, but it wasnt such a big deal for me so i didnt pay attention to that.

With that thing i even travelled last year from Slovakia to Morocco and back, it was about 11 000 km , no problems at all.

Unfortunately a week ago , 5th of March i decided to do another trip to Indonesia, 16 000 km, and after 3 days, of whitch 2 were super rainy, my engine short circuited, and damaged both batteries, then my display didnt even turn on.

At service centre they told me that it will cost me 660 € to get new engine, and 2x 500€ for new batteries

So about 1660€ to fix it, but i cant afford that and really want to continue this trip! ..

So I came home, we disasembled the engine, surprisingly moving parts didnt seem to show any kind of wear at all! So i guess avoiding water comming inside the engine, it can last for 150 000km or more easily!



There was a very small hole inside when cranks were turning.

Please guys keep this in mind, as this hurts alot :( that I wanted to do this trip to prove how reliable engines are, and I failed.

NOW! My friend that helped me to disassemble the engine wants to help me to clean it, and then I still have no I dea how to fix battery wihout paying 500€ for new ones.

What do you think guys??

Is it risky to dry, clean the inside of engine, then put it back on and try to run it?

I heared, that if all cells inside battery are fine, replacing BMS would fix the problem that occured because of short circuit.

What kind of BMS shoud I buy and from where?

Im now in Slovakia.

Please give me suggestions about fixing the engine and batteries as cheap as possible, so i can continue!!! THANK YOU !!!!


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Hi everyone.

I had my ebike with Yamaha 250W PW motor...

...At service centre they told me that it will cost me 660 € to get new engine, and 2x 500€ for new batteries

What do you think guys??

Is it risky to dry, clean the inside of engine, then put it back on and try to run it?

If a service center told you the motor needs to be replaced, in my opinion the only risk you take by attempting to repair it yourself is that it does not work.
An electrical expert could replace the BMS, if that is what failed, and the cells were still good. The BMS circuit boards are not expensive, but you need some knowledge to select, and electrical skills to install it. First things first. Sounds like you have two batteries. How did you ruin the spare? Can someone measure 36 volts out of the outputs?

If you have an electrically smart friend, he or she could try testing the motor with a separate battery, if the repair shop did not already try that.

Slovakia to Morrocco. That sounds exciting. Indonesia too? That's an adventure. Good luck to you.

Page 2-34 of the pdf dismantling begins.

Page 3-10,3-11 the torque sensor must not be dismantled.

Do not use magnetic screwdrivers.

28000kms.......Does not use gear or plastic strap.

is steel, aluminum,

0 maintenance in pw .......
0 failures at 28000kms

The new models are not better, plastic everywhere.

If the horse resuscitate, tell us the copper winding with which section and if it could put more watts or more Revolutions with torque.

el pw estaría funcionando hoy y con 2 baterías con mantenimiento a 13000 km con 2 nuevos rodamientos y sellado contra la lluvia, ahora el costo ha aumentado.

Good luck


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