Turbo vado sl 4 - lock battery in off position?


New Member
I just bought a turbo vado sl 4 and the LBS mentioned there was a way to lock the battery in off position when not using it so if someone stole it, at least they couldn't speed away at 28 mph. I didn't ask for details, figuring it was in the manual, but didn't see it mentioned anywhere. Is what he said accurate, and if so, how do you do it? Not a huge deal but would be nice to know. Thanks
Im guessing not but is there an easy way to tell? the receipt just says a tcu and they didnt give me anything to go with it but it doesn't seem to have a lot of extra stuff on it like an altimeter.
Im guessing not but is there an easy way to tell? the receipt just says a tcu and they didnt give me anything to go with it but it doesn't seem to have a lot of extra stuff on it like an altimeter.
The Mastermind TCU is colour and it is an actual display. Not just bars of battery level. If yours is like this, just explore Mission Control app for bike locking.

The Gen 1 TCU does not support locking.
Thanks. I had bought a separate add on tcu as I have The original which is just the battery as you say. Good to know. Thanks.