Travelling around


When I'm out on my rad i usualy do about 10 mile on a local trip i thhen put it on charge and it takes about two and a half hours am i doing the right thing or should I just leave it till it runs down more.
Hi Graysco242,
Probably not hurting anything. It's nice to have a full charge when starting out just in case you want to take the long way home.

I usually make shorter trips and can go a couple of weeks before the battery needs a charge. But I'm also not going to be stranded miles from home with no power. Since the last mile of every ride is an uphill, when the watt reading drops below 600 it's time to charge the battery. That's when the power readout is also on the first bar and usually flashing. Doesn't mean I'm out of power because when I level out I'll get at least one bar back.

Rads are fun. Happy Trails...
My thought is we're all a little shy on trusting our bikes at first. It's only after you've been riding a while that you can dismiss the ideas regarding running out of power at an "awkward" point in time.

My most frequent rides are generally a little shorter, maybe 6 miles. Occasionally though we'll go an a much longer ride, one that will push my butt's maximum limits (about 20 miles) for a day ride. Knowing that my bike has a battery range of about 35 miles (learned through experience) I'll make several shorter trips drawing the battery down to about 2 bars prior to charging. Longer trips always get a full charge prior. -Al
My morning commute is 70% fairly steep downhill 10 miles. I bought a second charger for work and usually only charge the Rad battery in my office . I have the option for full power on the way home or if I need to take a longer ride somewhere else.