Throttle ? Yes or no ?

Throttle or die!
This took you a day?

But I'm with you.... throttle is for "just in case"... as I never really use it except to help start up a hill when I forgot to gear down. But I'm a no pedal snob... when I see guys riding ebikes without pedaling it probably hackles me as much as when Jeff the Cyclist sees someone on an ebike.

I don't think throttle discussions are always contentious... people have good reasons on both sides.
Friend of mine took a good spill on his bike a few miles from home. Busted up his leg pretty good. Only way he was able to make it home on his bike was using throttle.
I don't have a throttle on my bike, and sometimes I wish I did .
It's a good way to get rolling when I pull up to a stop sign in 7th gear. Other than that I never use it. I guess if my chain breaks while riding I'll really like it.
I had not thought about a chain breaking, and then using the throttle....good idea!
Pedals just don’t fall off without some warning. In the the 50 plus years that I’ve been riding, I’ve not once had a pedal just fall off or a chain just break. Routine inspections and preventative maintenance goes a long way.

While I've never had it happen to me personally, I have seen it happen to someone else. My wife and I were finishing up a ride at a remote trailhead on the C&O Canal Towpath when a pair of young women limped in walking their bikes. Both pedals had fallen off their shanks on one of the bikes within a few miles of each other. For some reason, the ball bearings fell out of their races on both pedals. One of the girls was limping with sore feet from pedaling on the bare shanks. Since my wife and I were finished riding for the day, I took the pedals off my bike, put them on the crippled bike and sent the grateful girls on their way. We were simply in the right place at the right time. We were staying in Cumberland MD. right next to the Cumberland Connections bike shop where I bought a new set. It gave me the opportunity to replace the marginal OEM pedals with a better quality pair. Not a common occurrence I'll admit but it does happen.
I’m sure a throttle could be useful at some point but I’ve never even thought about needing one. Yet.
Friend of mine took a good spill on his bike a few miles from home. Busted up his leg pretty good. Only way he was able to make it home on his bike was using throttle.
I don't have a throttle on my bike, and sometimes I wish I did .
Yep! I was cresting a little rise on a trail and the bike wheelied out from under me (weight not far enough forward, all my fault), leaving me flat on my back temporarily dazed. Not hurt bad, but it sure was a comfort not having to pedal home.
The throttle is a nice option that I have not used very often. What I don't like is that at least on my ride 1up 700 bike it is active when you turn the bike on even though the PAS level is zero. This is unsafe and I have inadvertantantly activated the the throttle before I was on the bike a couple of times now. Luckily no harm done.........yet.
I noticed that as well on my 700 series. I kind of agree it should be off when you're on zero but then again somebody might be on zero and want to throttle available if they need it suddenly. I started just turning the display off when needed
I couldn't agree more with this statement ... I wouldn't give up the natural ride of my torque based Bosch motor just to get a throttle. That said, I have been told there are some torque based hub drives with throttles that have a natural feeling ride. I would like to try one some time. The two cadence sensing ebikes with throttle that I own (one trike and one bike) leave a lot to be desired.
With the increased popularity and current demand for e-bikes, there are bound to be new models released with improved features & sensors. I'll likely be shopping for my next bike when the supply catches up with demand and I'm looking forward to test riding a few.
I noticed that as well on my 700 series. I kind of agree it should be off when you're on zero but then again somebody might be on zero and want to throttle available if they need it suddenly. I started just turning the display off when needed
I am guessing your bike can't be configured? On mine I can configure it to come one in 1, and have to purposely put it in 0 to get the throttle to work.
6zfshdb said “While I've never had it happen to me personally, I have seen it happen to someone else. My wife and I were finishing up a ride at a remote trailhead on the C&O Canal Towpath when a pair of young women limped in walking their bikes. Both pedals had fallen off their shanks on one of the bikes within a few miles of each other. For some reason, the ball bearings fell out of their races on both pedals. One of the girls was limping with sore feet from pedaling on the bare shanks. Since my wife and I were finished riding for the day, I took the pedals off my bike, put them on the crippled bike and sent the grateful girls on their way. We were simply in the right place at the right time. We were staying in Cumberland MD. right next to the Cumberland Connections bike shop where I bought a new set. It gave me the opportunity to replace the marginal OEM pedals with a better quality pair. Not a common occurrence I'll admit but it does happen.”

Yes, these things can happen......especially when you fail to take the time to perform routine maintenance and inspections. Neglect is not a valid reason to need a throttle in my opinion.
So last week in Toronto it rained all day and snowed heavy all night.
I have to leave for work at 6:30am and the roads have not been plowed prolly 5 -7” of snow on the ground.

I start out pedaling but I’m washing out and it’s sketchy.
I stopped pedaling and throttle only for the 4Km to work.
When my body wasn’t moving the bike was stable and the ride was fun.
It seems everyone who uses their throttle has shown how it can be useful and those against them are just a bunch of whining . . .
I use a kickstand as well 🖕
Throttles are fun, even if you don't use them all the time, I use mine about 20% of any ride.
People that say you don't need a throttle, are one step removed from analog bike riders on carbon fiber frames saying light bikes don't need any motor assistance.
It's all about personal preference when it comes to riding any bike, I still remember riding around on my one speed BMX type bike as a teenager, it was all I wanted or needed back then, I really enjoyed that bike.
It had reverse pedal braking, an old school system.
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I am guessing your bike can't be configured? On mine I can configure it to come one in 1, and have to purposely put it in 0 to get the throttle to work.
Some things are configurable. I can choose either 5, 7,or 9 PAS levels and set how much power for each level but I don't think it can do what you mentioned
Hey I agree. I don't use it all the time but when I do need a bit of burst power it it is a wonderful feature. It eliminates having to shift so much and change PAS setting so frequently.
Don't leave home with out it!
Better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it. I heard that about a dollar before.

Anyways, count me as guilty for using the throttle sometimes. Hey, if nothing else, it does feel pretty good to get a quick burst of energy, on the Shred anyways, it is quite powerful and nearly instantaneous.
After two back surgeries and arthritis in both knees, the throttle keeps me out on a bike. I do pedal some for exercise, but wouldn't get far without my throttle to get me back... Having owned many motorcycles in my younger years, twisting the throttle just comes naturally.