Thanks, yes, I agree. A bike mechanic at another store told me that all bicycle wheels leave the factory out of true and can cause spokes to brake after so many miles. The guy at this store told me that when spokes break that forces the wheel out of true, not the other way around.
I'm confident the lace pattern is good, and I was told there is no problem with the rim. I weigh 218 lb, and I ride in bike lanes, side walk, and some bike paths, so the cause cannot be my riding habits or weight. Everything points to the quality of the stainless steel spokes. Tora has said the spokes on the Air are upgraded now so I hope for all those with the new CC Air they won't have this problem. It is a big inconvenience, especially if you use your bike to commute as I do. I have had my bike about a mouth, and almost 2 weeks of that time off the road now. Stromer bikes use DT Swiss spokes, so in theory my re-spoked wheel should be practically as good as a Stromer.