Theme Update for EBR Forum... FEEDBACK?!!


Staff member
Hey guys, my friend has been helping to re-skin the EBR forums to match the main site and we plan to launch on Thursday afternoon. The thing is, it's going to be a little rough around the edges. I'm a bit of a perfectionist but there are so many things being done with the main site right now. I wanted to get this update out and collect feedback. My hope is that this thread can be a place for you to chime in about what's broken, what should be changed etc. This is primarily a visual update... we're hoping to add new features in the future but it's going to be a bit. In order to fund the site, travel and review etc. I have to move a bit slower than I'd like... but we're always moving and I appreciate your patience and help :D
Hi Court,

You've been doing a great job, both on the forum and especially on the reviews, which were extremely helpful to me when I was looking for my, and my wife's ebikes. I have a suggestion while you are considering updates.

At the bottom of every thread there is a button that says "More Options". Perhaps I'm missing something, but it doesn't seem to have a purpose other than to make the text box larger.

Thanks for all you do here.
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I add a lot of pics and links to my posts, and the 'More Options' allows me to preview, or proof my posts. It also shows how a post will look once posted. It's particularly helpful when posting via a mobile device. There is a quote button on the tool-bar.

Here is the quote button (sorry for poor quality).


Edit: I like the forum..., but 'In Court We Trust'. It could be a little more mobile friendly.
The only part of the alert missing here is part of the red badge. Only the smallest bit of red shows. The green appears consistent.

I run my browser full screen, so this is what I see.


  • Screen Shot 2017-02-16 at 4.40.45 PM (2).png
    Screen Shot 2017-02-16 at 4.40.45 PM (2).png
    394.8 KB · Views: 375
I noticed with the old format that the post headings were in bold font until you had read the post
Now the subject text still remains in bold font after the post has been read
Anyone desiring the old view, scroll all the way to the bottom left of any page, and click "Style" then choose "Default" instead of "Reflex". The new style is "Reflex".
I'm seeing a mixture of bolded old font types mixed with the newer lighter green bolded fonts that others above mention. Also see my notes in the Moderation log, Court.
I tried it both ways and it wasn't working. I sorta had to be signed in to comment. :) It's working now, though.
- The new fonts are too big and getting cut off sometimes.
- Doesn't work well with Internet Explorer (works ok with Chrome).
Thanks for the feedback guys, our databases crashed yesterday and I lost two reviews (both partially reconstructed today). The forum will get ongoing updates including design enhancements in April, after we launch some new stuff for the main site. Hang in there!!