The therapeutic value of ebiking for people with anxiety or depression

I went out for the first time on my new ebike today, and the first thing I learned (by accident) is a trick that helps me get my leg over the step through frame. I just stepped a bit further away from the ebike and tilted it towards me, then I could get my foot over without catching it. I had my seat a bit too low because I was thinking I might have to swing my leg over the back of the bike. Once I was riding, this really bothered my right knee which has severe arthritis and doesn't bend more than 45 degrees. I didn't have this problem a couple of years ago when I had the other ebike. Luckily the seat was quick release and I could fix it right away.

In the past I had always ridden throttle ebikes, so I wasn't used to juggling pedelec settings and gears at the same time. I went to the nearest residential neighbourhood and rode round and round the streets, practicing stopping at stop signs etc. I was surprised and pleased at how much exercise I got, though I didn't increase the pedelec setting beyond 5 (it goes up to 9). I can see where my legs and knees might get tired and start to ache, so I'm glad I have a throttle just in case. It was only -2 C/high 20's F and I didn't expect to be able to stay out for too long, but the exercise warmed me up. It was a beautiful sunny day and the roads were dry. I was out for about an hour. They're forecasting a few sunny +2-3 C days next week so I'll have more time to practice.
Ill have to try the lean the bike trick.
Ive become a flashaholic so im spoilt for choice now on which torches i use when i go out at night, torch as we aussies call them.
I now have 2 decent bike mounts so i can mount both mid and small torches to use for extra lighting.
I retired 5 years ago, I found myself having some odd symptoms and saw a doctor who referred me to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with PTSD. Medication and therapy have helped but what has worked wonders for me are two things, my e-bike is number one. It provides exercise and a peaceful ride, I can't say enough about it. The second thing is starting a small lawn service, I allready had a zero turn radius mower so I took on about 13 accounts, being outside smelling the grass and flowers is great! I feel better than I have in years.
As I said earlier in this thread, my wife (75 YO) has severe anxiety disorder and e-bike riding on the trail last summer was a great help in controlling her anxiety condition. Unfortunately, the medication protocol for treating anxiety has many side effects (especially in older people like us), including dizziness and balance issues. She had several nasty falls on her ebike last summer, but was always able to get herself back up, put a couple of bandages on the scrapes and keep going. She felt the therapeutic value of riding the ebike was well worth the risk and pain from the falls.

However this winter she had a bad fall down a full flight of stairs, with several vertebrae and rib fractures. She has recovered fairly well from those injuries, but the balance problems have worsened. In her first try on the ebike this spring, she fell within the first 20'. It made me realize that using our ebikes for recreation (and for her anxiety therapy) like we did last summer is no longer a realistic option for us. And sadly that has kept both of us off the trails so far this spring/summer. This realization has been depressing; especially for her, knowing that she will probably never ride her Blix ebike again.

So today, for her birthday, I decided to order a Evelo Compass etrike for her. She is REALLY excited about it and can't wait for it to be delivered so we can get back out on our favorite trails. Unfortunately, the 2019 Evelo model is on "pre-order" (predicted delivery late June/early July) so hopefully we won't be waiting all summer for it to be shipped. I would have preferred to buy at our LBS, but they just didn't have any etrike available that was as appealing as the Evelo Compass.

And the positive side of all this is that we still have the Blix, so our daughter that lives nearby will be able to join us on our rides. That will add to our enjoyment. At this point I am keeping my fingers crossed that this all works out.
I'm so glad that you have gotten an etrike for your wife. What a great way to be able to continue enjoying your riding together. I'm sorry to hear about her falls and health challenges. I hope the etrike works great for her.

Meanwhile, did you know that there also are adult training wheels, and some made for special needs people seem quite stable? I wonder if these might be a help to her? Here's an example. I don't have first-hand experience--just found these on a web search:

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As I said earlier in this thread, my wife (75 YO) has severe anxiety disorder and e-bike riding on the trail last summer was a great help in controlling her anxiety condition. Unfortunately, the medication protocol for treating anxiety has many side effects (especially in older people like us), including dizziness and balance issues. She had several nasty falls on her ebike last summer, but was always able to get herself back up, put a couple of bandages on the scrapes and keep going. She felt the therapeutic value of riding the ebike was well worth the risk and pain from the falls.

However this winter she had a bad fall down a full flight of stairs, with several vertebrae and rib fractures. She has recovered fairly well from those injuries, but the balance problems have worsened. In her first try on the ebike this spring, she fell within the first 20'. It made me realize that using our ebikes for recreation (and for her anxiety therapy) like we did last summer is no longer a realistic option for us. And sadly that has kept both of us off the trails so far this spring/summer. This realization has been depressing; especially for her, knowing that she will probably never ride her Blix ebike again.

So today, for her birthday, I decided to order a Evelo Compass etrike for her. She is REALLY excited about it and can't wait for it to be delivered so we can get back out on our favorite trails. Unfortunately, the 2019 Evelo model is on "pre-order" (predicted delivery late June/early July) so hopefully we won't be waiting all summer for it to be shipped. I would have preferred to buy at our LBS, but they just didn't have any etrike available that was as appealing as the Evelo Compass.

And the positive side of all this is that we still have the Blix, so our daughter that lives nearby will be able to join us on our rides. That will add to our enjoyment. At this point I am keeping my fingers crossed that this all works out.

Hi Alan,
We hope that your family can once again enjoy riding together! While your wife may no longer be able to ride her Blix, it is great that there are other ebike options for her. Biking is often overlooked as providing both mental and physical benefits and offers a therapeutic option for many. Happy and safe riding to you and your family.
Hi Alan,
We hope that your family can once again enjoy riding together! While your wife may no longer be able to ride her Blix, it is great that there are other ebike options for her. Biking is often overlooked as providing both mental and physical benefits and offers a therapeutic option for many. Happy and safe riding to you and your family.
Yup! We just got the Evelo Compass trike a couple of weeks ago, but the weather was too hot to ride the first few days. The heat wave broke last weekend, so we have been out 2 or 3 times now, and it has definitely given her a lift in spirits.

The Compass seems to be a great high quality trike and my wife loves it so far. We are still trying to determine what a realistic range is on a battery charge. The trike is heavy (80 lbs) and she uses the assist and throttle more on the trike than she did on the Blix. From the few rides we have taken, it would seem that 25 miles on a charge is about what we can expect, possibly 30 miles in ideal conditions. So far, 16 miles is the longest ride we have taken, and the battery was at 45%. The trike is equipped to add a second battery without making modifications, so we may consider that option to increase the range.
Incidentally, my wife also still loves her Blix and is hoping to someday be well enough to get back on it. In the meantime our daughter is enjoying using the Blix to join us on our rides.
Incidentally, my wife also still loves her Blix and is hoping to someday be well enough to get back on it. In the meantime our daughter is enjoying using the Blix to join us on our rides.

How fun! Family riding is always a great activity and luckily ebikes are great for all ages.:)
We recently bought 2 folding ebikes for travelling, which makes 4 now.
I should get my TPI insurance soon and will keep some aside for my next ebike update.
Hopefully some new models,since i no longer drive my budget isnt really an issue so i can whatever takes my fancy
We recently bought 2 folding ebikes for travelling, which makes 4 now.
I should get my TPI insurance soon and will keep some aside for my next ebike update.
Hopefully some new models,since i no longer drive my budget isnt really an issue so i can whatever takes my fancy
I’ve been researching folding e-bikes. Would you mind sharing what model folding e-bikes you bought. Thanks.
My ebike has certainly helped get me out of my rural farmhouse. I’m a disabled vet (physical) also with depression and PTSD.
Now that the winter is waning I have reaffirmed how much the bike helps. Even with winter legs my 15 today on my SC7 has stayed with me the rest of the day.
The attached piece about Specialized CEO has an interesting angle on the subject
Ten years ago quit bike riding after surgery on my both legs and then sold all my conventional Giant bikes.
In next years I gain too much weight and and my blood pressure was scaredly high.
But e- bike allows me commuting without any reasonable limits.
Now after 2+ years of e- biking I lost more than 30 lbs and my blood pressure almost normal.
For me electric bike primary is a fun factor and of course a breath of fresh air
With the possibility of the gym I go to 6 days a week closing, I am comforted by the fact I suspect I will be riding my ebike more. Good luck to all.
(Edit)Now the gym is closed. If I did not have my ebike, I could not get out, and I would be more nutz than usual. Easy to social distance and seeing some spring blooms.
I encourage all to be responsible and also get outside.
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I sure agree that the ebike is keeping us mobile as a family during these shut-in times. I have a son with mental health impacts, and if it weren't for ebikes, I don't know if we could get him out of the house. Ebikes make it easy to be mobile and venturesome. Yippeee!!
I wonder how we can make biking in the rain more appealing. I think even though I won't commute in the rain, I will do some daylight recreational riding. Since the rain in my area comes with chill, as well, I was thinking of buying some construction-worker raingear--the heavy-duty plastic slicker and rain pants. I'm going to try out this gear and get some for my son, too, because he loves his ebike and would really benefit from riding year-round.

I don't have a depression or anxiety diagnosis, but I sure know that when I'm feeling down or worried, riding my ebike is wonderful therapy! (@DaveMatthews , methinks my ebike grin must be something like yours!)
I love riding in the rain as long as it’s warm enough.. Empty trails. The flowers smell much better or more intense, right now lilacs are so fragrant you can almost chew the fragrance! One caveat you must clean and oil your chain after each ride in the rain.