Trev, for whatever reason I have become obsessed with the blatant lies, false claims and inconsistent little stories peddled around by Sondors and Agency 2.0 and I hope I have done as well as I can to expose them. I prefer this is what we are selling, this is how
Much for, this is how we will do it, this is when you will get it, this is what you will get.
As consumers we should trust our intuition, I always back the small guy, but not when I have to suspend my disbelief. Why others are choosing to do so is beyond me. Why others are choosing to justify a range of 50 miles if you pedal 40 miles first, or agree you can charge a battery fully in 90 minutes if it is only half-depleted is all wordplay.
A fool would realise Sondors can not bring an untested bike to a global marketplace without tremendous technical, legal, maintenance, logistic and support issues - and he is doing it on his own!! tbh the guy seemed totally detached from the bike as he is from his customer base. I smell trouble ahead, but at least I tried to raise awareness of how hollow these claims have been from the start of this particular campaign.