The Sondors Bike is Unravelling a Bit

Agreed, wonder if I could do that at my work place, and avoid tax and warranty claims.. and deliver new goods with scratches but no support? or just not deliver them at all?
no news on the court action?

They might have set some rules or done other technical stuff. Discovery would be the next phase, long before any actual trial. A2 might go looking for assets and the court could take control of them. I believe Storm has been through this stuff with that other lawsuit, where the judgment is still being pursued.
Storm is finishing up his delivery of wave 1 to all USA buyers.. He's probably looking for another delay.
It's impossible to say where this ebike stands right now. The reviews of the bike were good. It's a good basic bike that works for a lot of people. But once you accept that fact, there are a lot of questions.

First, this popular bike is not available. It was available under some quirky IGG rule for extending campaigns, but that stopped. There is a form on the Gosondors site to be informed when the bike will be available. They don't say if it will be for sale or if there will be another CF campaign, down the road.

There is a major lawsuit against Sondors by Agency. Since no one knows the status of relations between SS and A2, it's hard to say what happens. Any potential lawsuit is a liability. Ultimately, Agency would come after SS for any judgment they obtain in the lawsuit. But most lawsuits are settled.

How much does SS owe A2? The upper limit is something like 10% of the campaign. Most people say that number is very high, the 10%, but what if SS signed off on that? Is it right to pay Chinese suppliers to produce the bike, but not pay American contractors, who framed a very successful campaign. SS had every right to build the bikes but he may still owe a lot of money to A2. Is he going to end up owing half a million dollars to A2, down the road? Why would he allow this to happen?

No one seems to feel that getting bikes into the EU is practical. He might get the bikes to Britain, but then what?

How much money is left, and what is it going to cost to build all the bikes that are subscribed? Can Sondors build the next phase at the same price? He is getting more for the bikes right now, but he won't have anywhere near the volume?

This is the Big Daddy of CF campaigns. Many people got the bikes, which is good. It's fascinating because there are so many things that just don't make sense. It's really kind of a mess, once you look past the bikes. If only they had let Sondors go to China and build the bikes, but had a real company and real management back here. Yeah, if only...
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