The Green Room

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Let's say you break a leg. And, hospitals are overwhelmed by irresponsible people who have not done the adult thing. This is me on the news today. I am the second person interviewed. I am not one of the unhappy. Realistic.

Hey, fantastic job, man! And bad-ass that you kept your mask on for the interview. Like, "No, I'm not THAT excited about being on TV that I have to show my face."

Particularly appreciated what you said because the sax player I play with in Connecticut just DID break his femur-- that's a big bone, and a very bad break-- black ice, was trying to clear his driveway-- and waited 18 hours on a gurney in the waiting room. He was joking around as soon as he got outta surgery, only serious about one thing: You don't want to wind up in the ER right now, or do anything to increase crowding there.

Glad I took my crazy ride in December, wouldn't ride that trail today. I'll still be riding some dirt, some of it steep, but not steep + rock garden or steep + slippery or steep + cliff, etc.

The us versus them (xenophobia) has always been a tool of autocrats and demagogues…and particularly in attacks on the press like we have been seeing for the last five years. Hearst might have invented ‘yellow journalism’ but the electronic version today is far more dangerous. The Media in general is a term of derision by tyrants to water down truth. The real pro’s in both TV and periodicals are professionals to the core and should be applauded for their courage in the face of threats like CNN’s Acosta took regularly from the terrorist in chief DJT. One learns as they read over time who can be believed just like with individual friends…some you may like but accurately gauge as unreliable. Unfortunately too many don’t read and only tune in to those that confirm their bias’. We are in a pivotal time in America and our democracy is as fragile as our climate…both under fire from the same forces.

I appreciate the way you qualified your statement. "The Media" is now a term that's used disparagingly by the salesman's stooge-patrol and wannabes, but oh, how quickly we forget! I didn't read the NYT for nearly ten years because I couldn't forgive their support of Dubya & the oil wars.

<< ust like with individual friends…some you may like but accurately gauge as unreliable >>

I didn't get it for a long time until I was working on a talk TV segment on syndicated television back when dinosaurs roamed the earth -- oddly enough, hosted by one of the hosts of GMA -- and I heard the executive producer saying, "Okay, how many women are abused in the US today? What can we say-- thousands? Tens of thousands? Millions? Come on, people, give me a number, we're running late."

Young, idealistic Catalyzt was so heartbroken -- they didn't know? They were... just making stuff up on the spot, in this case 'facts' about domestic violence?

And indeed, these were producers and talent I considered to be 'the good guys.' And most of the time they were. Still friends with some of them.
Freaking out here. Raging symptoms, 8 hours to wait...
Asshats without masks and crowding my arse in the stores...
That sucks, man! Medical fear is the worst, I would so much prefer almost any other kind of fear, even being held up at gunpoint.

Just let it wash over and through you. Sometimes you can fight your way to a place where you're cognitively scared, but physically calm-- normal BP, etc. You got a pulse oximiter? Someone looking after you and checking in occasionally?

Sending positive thoughts your way, keep us posted. Let us know if there's anything we can do.
It's actually quite elucidating. A certain physician here was commenting right at the beginning, that the furin cleavage site looked like lab work. you howled it down. That is precisely what is now showing up in the Fauci secret discussion, as it has them discussing that the furin cleavage site leads them to think it could well be their lab product.
Sending positive thoughts your way, keep us posted. Let us know if there's anything we can do.
All good. The Ms of 48 years is monitoring. We use The Mayo system here in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Tested by the mother ship. 6 more hours...

They canceled the most highly published researcher in the world:

John P.A. Ioannidis is professor of medicine and professor of epidemiology and population health, as well as professor by courtesy of biomedical data science at Stanford University School of Medicine, professor by courtesy of statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences, and co-director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS) at Stanford University.

That doesn't show smarts. That shows your problem is very severe.
In early 2020
The ignored are so easy to forget. Click the avatar, click IGNORE. It is fun.
This stuff is very real. That reporter wanted me to show anger at the directives. I didn't take the bait. There are people with a stroke or heart attack that cannot get treated in time. Firefighters are benched and some firehouses have closed.
LOS ANGELES — More than 1,000 police officers, firefighters and paramedics in the Los Angeles region were ill or at home quarantining on Tuesday after testing positive for the coronavirus, spurring additional concerns about public safety as the omicron variant continues its rapid spread.
Not really. Tom already let that cat out of the bag when he said people message him to keep him up to date.

Don't take this guy's interpretation as golden. But it may help understanding in some way. They really do not have the evidence to make the claims they do, especially in the "mildness" category of finding. It's more complicated.
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How long until virtually ALL the actual hospital case ADMISSIONS are of the vaccinated? That means they went to the hospital because they were sick with covid.
I say a month ;)
Vaxxed up and feckless gallivanting about as if it's not an epidemic. Sheesh! Hospital admissions because of covid nearing 100% of them double vaxxed, by the middle of Feb. Write that down
The ignored are so easy to forget. Click the avatar, click IGNORE. It is fun.
This stuff is very real. That reporter wanted me to show anger at the directives. I didn't take the bait. There are people with a stroke or heart attack that cannot get treated in time. Firefighters are benched and some firehouses have closed.
LOS ANGELES — More than 1,000 police officers, firefighters and paramedics in the Los Angeles region were ill or at home quarantining on Tuesday after testing positive for the coronavirus, spurring additional concerns about public safety as the omicron variant continues its rapid spread.
When balancing individual freedom against social responsibility it is no brainer. I live in, and play a role, in my community. I’ve always believed you prioritize community over even economy. You need a community to create an economy… not the other way around.
When balancing individual freedom against social responsibility it is no brainer. I live in, and play a role, in my community. I’ve always believed you prioritize community over even economy. You need a community to create an economy… not the other way around.
Unfortunately, Petaluma has both and yet could not install a field hospital in 2 years of caring so much.
I've got the goofy asshats blocked, but did catch one comment about co-morbidities.

I've got the goofy asshats blocked, but did catch one comment about co-morbidities.

My kidney disease was a gift of genetics, as is my coronary heart disease. Implying obese patients and diabetic patients should somehow deserve their plight is just plain cruel and heatless.
Couldn't agree more. Can we rule out inbreeding too?
Oh yeah, I watch CNN & MSNBC every day for about 1 minute each, That is if they are not in
commercial which seems to be about 50% of the time. Sometimes I even take a peek at Faux
for comic relief. Tucker Carlson´s blank stare is a hoot; reminds me of Billy on Young Sheldon.
RT,(Russia Tv) is always good for refreshingly slanted propaganda
My Daughter found a China based news agency, that as far as I could tell was fairly unbiased( got treat the future colonies fair, (now don't we?) I never watched for very long,just no time to waste on others biased, bought off opinions( yes I go down "Rabbit holes" quite frequently till the badger runs me out)
Just as I am predicting for a landslide within a month or so, Ontario is already showing that this is a pandemic of the vaccinated. The fully vaxxed are becoming covid cases more frequently per 100,000 than the unvaxxed. These are the ones for blamers to blame now. It's you spreading it.

Unvaccinated 58 : Fully Vaccinated 78

Sorry about providing data; it's anathema to Greenie thought processing, isn't it?


  • Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 09-31-40 COVID-19 vaccinations data.png
    Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 09-31-40 COVID-19 vaccinations data.png
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My Daughter found a China based news agency, that as far as I could tell was fairly unbiased( got treat the future colonies fair, (now don't we?) I never watched for very long,just no time to waste on others biased, bought off opinions( yes I go down "Rabbit holes" quite frequently till the badger runs me out)
I try for the middle ground, things that might reunite the country though i admit to leaning left.
Nothing pleases me more than when I get a ´like´ from posters far right & far left. There is really
a great need to set aside our differences. It is the only road to real progress.
Imagine a population so duped as to believe we could vaccinate our way out, when we already knew it was in all kind of mammal. Dog cat bear deer mink on and on.

But wait. Not in bats?????

Memory much, guys?
Just checked with CDC for animals. Biturongs

but not bats.

Risk of people spreading SARS-CoV-2 to animals​

People can spread SARS-CoV-2 to animals, especially during close contact.
Reports of animals infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been documented around the world. Most of these animals became infected after contact with people with COVID-19, including owners, caretakers, or others who were in close contact. We don’t yet know all of the animals that can get infected. Animals reported infected include:

  • Companion animals, including pet cats, dogs, and ferrets.
  • Animals in zoos and sanctuaries, including several types of big cats, otters, non-human primates, a binturong, a coatimundi, a fishing cat, and hyenas.
  • Mink on mink farms.
  • Wild white-tailed deer in several U.S. states.
Nothing pleases me more than when I get a ´like´ from posters far right & far left. There is really
a great need to set aside our differences. It is the only road to real progress.
Ask and ye shall receive, apparently!

The mess we are in right now does all feel like what Blofeld was talking about in From Russia with Love:

"Siamese fighting fish, fascinating creatures. Brave but of the whole stupid. Yes they're stupid. Except for the occasional one such as we have here who lets the other two fight. While he waits. Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he cannot defend himself, and then like SPECTRE... he strikes."

(Except in this situation, we may have more than one fish watching and waiting.)
Ask and ye shall receive, apparently!

The mess we are in right now does all feel like what Blofeld was talking about in From Russia with Love:

"Siamese fighting fish, fascinating creatures. Brave but of the whole stupid. Yes they're stupid. Except for the occasional one such as we have here who lets the other two fight. While he waits. Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he cannot defend himself, and then like SPECTRE... he strikes."

(Except in this situation, we may have more than one fish watching and waiting.)
The nation & the planet are becoming exhausted, both deserve a break & not a Blofeld.
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