The Green Room

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Link to the "Too Hot to Ride" thread
2000 years of temperature on Earth from Wikipedia
2000 years of temperature on Earth from Wikipedia
Wa View attachment 91688
Lots of these charts on the net and they all look about the same. If you've seen one hockey stick, you've seen them all.
Two things ...'
nobody ever shows the 'downhill ' side of a spike, and
that cycle (medieval warm to little ice age) looks pretty puny.
I was shown the graph in 1970 Geology class with the projections and warnings…too bad our politicians have no education
Education is the bane of politicians. They´ve been dumbing down America since the 60s, & hobbling the
learned with student loan debt. How else could Mitch could have lasted 36 yrs. in the senate? One can
still learn without college; Libraries are free to all. That piece of paper is way overrated. The U.S. was
once the most literate nation on earth; we are now 17th.
I'm sure I'll get yelled at for asking . But does nobody in this Forum believe the Proven Validated Undisputable word of God anymore ? It says Earth is going to be burned up :: Puff . And remade
I doubt it

In the meantime go get vaccinated
Someone already gave me Covid . What do I need a Vaccine for ? I have antibodies And like I said The Bible can be proven accurate over and over again . Were people taking it serious as they should . Global Warming would be the least of their immediate Problems . But even trying to warn and educate people gets you banned and hated . Called names . In a manner of speaking Crucified by the Critics lol . Always with no evidence to the contrary ;) AOC is right though We have less then 10 years left
Problem with that is this so called word of god was written by a bunch of men the believed the earth was flat. Doesn't inspire much trust in anything they wrote.
That's an uneducated comment to make . The Bible says God hangs earth as a Sphere from nothing in space . But it's not a Science Book . And did you forget You probably admire men of science who also thought the earth was flat . God's intention was to allow that knowledge in it';s time . In case you didn't catch it None of the Prophets Knew about Computer science either . So what does your comment have to do with anything . The Bible doesn't claim the earth is flat . Only People making it say something it doesn't say that .
The thing about the Bible is everyone is an expert on what it actually says . Yet less then 10% through time bothered to read it

So your comment is baseless : The great Scientists of history for many centuries thought Bleeding people cured them. 100's of years after : Yah know that's a lie : Why do you lie? It's probably best just not to comment . I wasn't asking you to defend yourself. I already know why anyway .
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"I heard Allah and Buddha were singing at the Savior's feast
And up in the sky an Arabian rabbi
Fed Quaker Oats to a priest
Pretty good, not bad, they can't complain
'Cause actually all them gods are just about the same
Pretty good, not bad, I can't complain
'Cause actually everything is just about the same."
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