The Experience of a Bicycle

Don’t know. It’s a rule from the City Council to get a permit to place dozens of scooters around town. City of 25,000 and a scooter within 3 city blocks 1500’ apart. 6000 students in addition to 25,000 residents every school year.
Wow. The head traffic engineer at our city of 60,000 just emailed and wants help obtaining some eBikes for the city and with training. I am house sitting for a couple of days and will talk with him Wednesday. In the mean time he will look into my reputation. A deal fell thru. A huge company was going to set up proprietary charging stations with proprietary bikes for city employee use. It was a huge contract. I would start them small and scalable and non-proprietary. The city has climate goals so I will go with pushing forward the embedded carbon in good existing bikes. Or score them a deal from an LBS for 15 new bikes to convert at 15% off retail. I love those 650b Vidas from Giant.
Oh, a while ago I mentioned that I lost a friend because she wanted to be bossy. She called. That is who I am house sitting for. Her dog is the best.