The 4 Big Groups of Ebike owners

Forgot to add the DIY category😉. It def. has many users too.
No worries at all.. I don't remember crossing paths with you on here before... But I'm generally known as a dick 🙃
You may want to delete this post... If the Specialized group find out that they are not in group 1, they may storm the data center
One thing is for certain. There is a very large variation in what people in these forums perceive as quality and value for the money. I don't think to many people think much about how long something is manufactured to last. Warranty length is not a very good indicator as warranties are really high priced limited indemnity insurance policies.
Well... once you have one, someone in your family wants one... etc etc.

Plus my group is slowly converting to ebikes so loaners help with the conversion. :)
A lot of something... Not sure I would describe it as thought.
The price breakdown follows what we have seen on-line and at the bike shops. We picked up a Giant & Liv and then did all the personalizations that we all lavish on our rides. I gaze at all the high end stuff and dream a lot. But at those prices, and knowing that I would still have to get a new seat, pedals, etc. my blood freezes. Still, it is fun to wish and admire.
I have not saved anything with DIY yet. I have a class 1 DIY and put it in the back of my class 3 Ranger. The bike is worth way more than the truck
What an empty, pointless post. The title goes to different types of ebike owners while the post itself does nothing but sort bikes by price price point, saying nothing about their purpose, intended use or those who buy them or why.

Cynic – someone who “knows the price of everything and the value of nothing” - Oscar Wilde
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What an empty, pointless post. The title goes to different types of ebike owners while the post itself does nothing but sort bikes by price price point, saying nothing about their purpose, intended use or those who buy them or why

Most ebike owners have 1 or 2 ebikes from one of the 3 categories (and for everyone price is the most imp. Factor) .
So it is a gen. classificatiom based on price , which is pretty obvious and a common sense logic. I don't know anybody who chooses a product without looking at the price first.

I think it's a pretty clear post but you could start a thread post going into all sorts of data variables and factors.
This is an older similar thread from april 2019 that I also made , which is very relevant to the market and how it grew up so fast in only 2years !!

* noticed from the posts that it wasn't such a though crowd back then...more members now.

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Most ebike owners have 1 or 2 ebikes from one of the 3 categories (and for everyone price is the most imp. Factor) .
So it is a gen. classificatiom based on price , which is pretty obvious and a common sense logic. I don't know anybody who chooses a product without looking at the price first.

I think it's a pretty clear post but you could start a thread post going into all sorts of data variables and factors.
Price is third for me.
First: What does the damned bike feel like when I sit on it, touch it and ride it. Does it tickle my touchy feely hot buttons. (totally subjective)
Second: Is the bike designed properly to do the job I want the bike for (Mostly objective)
Three: What does it cost and can I afford it. (Objective)

Most people buy something based almost entirely on emotion so price is not likely at the top.