Stromer ST1 codes

Can you elaborate?

Does this code disengage the brake lever from the motor regen when squeezed?
No, motor regen is 1009. This code makes the computer think the brake is engaged when its not, and when it is engaged the computer thinks its not. No idea what its for but to get back to code input one has to hold the brake lever because you cant get to the code input with it thinking the brake is engaged
No, motor regen is 1009. This code makes the computer think the brake is engaged when its not, and when it is engaged the computer thinks its not. No idea what its for but to get back to code input one has to hold the brake lever because you cant get to the code input with it thinking the brake is engaged

LOL, you're really experimenting with all the codes. Glad you got it reverted back!! (else bike is almost useless)
LOL, you're really experimenting with all the codes. Glad you got it reverted back!! (else bike is almost useless)
I'm trying to figure out why the motor power output gradually decreases from 10 to 35mph then shuts off even when 3773 and 3775 are set to 70mph.. no luck yet (but 1007!!!!)
Regarding code 1007. I found that when switching to 1 the 4 assist levels are turned off. There is no difference in the strength of assist between levels 1,2,3, or 4 on the controller display.
It feels like the level of assist corresponds to level 3 in strength. When switching back to 0, all the 4 assist levels return.
Does anyone have a list of all the error codes that the ST1 controller has? I get a couple of codes when I start the bike.
The ST1 shows 2 numbers at startup—Release number and Revision number. It might be these numbers you see.
The ST1 shows 2 numbers at startup—Release number and Revision number. It might be these numbers you see.
2000 is display firmware revision (mine is .88)
2001 is motor firmware revision (mine is 7.9)
these are the values I see during powerup on my ST1
OK thanks. Any ideas on why when I try to put the boost on it won'y accept it?
Going by the codes at the start of this thread.
Boost mode is code 1005 but.... 0 is off, and 1 is enable ... not 2 is off
Then you have to hold the right display button for a few sec to kick in.
The manual says you also have to be going 1.8 MPH before it kicks in.
I have a platinum st1 and when I put in the 1005 code and hold the power button it just shows "ERROR" on the display and goes to the main screen. It won't let me get to the point to put a value in.
how do you use the boost ?
You need to be in the power mode and going over 1.8 mph - then you hold the + button on the right of your display and hang on. It will take you to 12.5 mph with the stock setting. Just make sure you have the boost enabled before you try this.
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Hi all,

I'm a longtime Stromer ST1 fan—I first bought one in late 2014, had it stolen last year, then bought a new about a month ago. So far I like it just as much as my last one, with one exception: I can't seem to get some of the codes to work.

I had no problem using them as expected with my last bike, so I'm wondering if they've changed the firmware or something to keep them from working as expected on the more recently-built ST1.

The main ones I've tried to get working are '3775' (boost mode speed limit) and '3773' (pedal assist speed limit). Essentially, I type in those codes, then enter a value and save it (the display flashes "SAVE" to confirm this). However, there doesn't seem to be any effect from either of them (i.e. the limits remain at the stock values for both of them). Also, whenever I type the codes again, the values show the original '00', which makes me think that something might not be getting saved correctly.

I tested this again this morning, and took notes along the way so that I could be as sure as possible that I wasn't missing something. Here's what I did:
  1. I entered code 3775.
  2. I then “maxed out” the setting at 79 mph.
  3. However, when I entered code 3775 again to confirm my entry, it was back at 00, indicating that perhaps it hadn’t accepted the last value (even though the screen flashed “SAVE”).
  4. I began to wonder if maybe there was some limit to what the limit could be changed to (below the apparent "79 mph"). To test this theory, I entered a fairly low number: ‘10’.
  5. After saving that value, then going back to the code 3775 setting, it was back at ‘00’.
  6. I still wasn't sure whether the setting wasn't being updated, or whether it was being updated in the background in spite of the '00' value it was still showing. To test this, I set the value at a very low number: ‘05’. I then rode the bike a bit while holding the "boost" button to see if it stopped boosting after 5mph.
  7. As I suspected would happen, the boost mode still propelled me up to exactly 12 mph (the factory default, I believe).
I did approximately the same test for code '3773' (pedal assist speed limit). I first changed it to a very high number, then I changed it to a very low number, and none of them seemed to change the bike's behavior. It continued to engage the pedal assist power up to exactly 20 mph (which I believe is the factory default for that setting).

I'm really hoping that someone has some insight into why this might be happening, and potentially knows of a solution. Any help or ideas at all would be much appreciated.
Has anyone had any luck with pedal assist top speed. I will be setting my wheel diameter smaller and will test tomorrow. I commute 30 k one way and want the extra speed without buying a new ebike...
According to the german webpage of Stromer, with setting 3771 you can set the total distance of the bike. (Why that would be an option, I do not know - should make it easy for nasty bike-sellers to give you a wrong total mileage). <<<<<<<

And a little clarification about code 1008 - you have to turn this to 1 before you can change the pin code (0004).