Street vs trail ?

They closed the local bike trails/paths here, out of concern that somebody may get hurt on a bike trail and need a hospital bed they'd rather have vacant for a virus patient. Really, that's what they said!

Myself, I fail to see the logic. Seems like a classic knee jerk over reaction by one of our wonderfull leaders that hasn't been on a bike, let alone the trails he/she closed.....

That said, I live in a gigantic subdivision/development with many miles of paved roads. I can keep myself entertained for quite a while.
If that is the logic and reasoning for their decision then they might as well close the streets too as vehicular accidents are more likely to put more accident victims into hospital beds. Lol🧐 like you have have miles of neighborhood streets and trails to ride on even though I wear a scarf over my face on the popular trails to keep out pollen and bugs if all sorts. 😝
CHP and local fire departments have said recently that responses to traffic accidents are WAY down, with fewer cars on the road.

CHP also said that speeding (triple digit stuff) is way up, with fewer cars on the road...
We are trying to be more mindful working in the yard etc, precisely because we do not want to have a fall or mishap and have to go to the hospital. That the powers that be had already thought of that and this is why they are discouraging various activities makes great sense.

Did you know that gas was rationed in the US during WWII not because there was a shortage of gas, but because there the world's supply of rubber was in enemy hands, and so tires could not easily be replaced when they wore thin. Same concept.
Same here in WV. We have very few bike trails in my area, just a couple multi-use trails and they are over cowded. No way to stay safe when constantly having to pass people and our roads tend to not have shoulders and no bike lanes. I am going to check out a WMA near me, haven’t been there in several years but I recall that it was crossed by several gravel roads I should be able to ride without running into humans.
I won't ride on mixed use trails. Not possible to keep safe distances, especially with aerosols. The roads are way safer virus wise and have far fewer cars now.
Totally agree. Our trails and greenways are far too crowded nowadays for riding. They are dense with families exercising their kids and it is near impossible to ride and keep everyone safe from disease and from collisions Too many “ close encounters”.
I can't speak for the trails as I never use them but I have noticed lots of dog walkers are now using our back roads, something I would rarely see under normal circumstances!
I was stopped by a guy on a road bike today who told me that it’s illegal to ride ebikes on those trails. I don’t know why it would be. Those guys go faster than I do even though there is a 15mph speed limit on ours!
The why would be that some group made it a law. Misguided or not, there are laws against eBikes. That discussion has been endlessly hashed over here. Look for speed limit discussions.
Cold, windy snowy day here! No one out here but my son and I.
Here in PA, we're getting mixed signals from the government about outdoor exercise. Although exercising outside is encouraged and state parks & trails remain open, we are not supposed to drive unless it's for emergencies (food, doctor, etc). Most residents don't have the luxury of living within walking or riding distance of a park or trail and must drive. Which is it? Why keep the parks open when the only way to get there is to drive? Sure, I could exercise at home but I'm far more likely to do it on my bike that do jumping jacks on my front porch.

Many PA residents, including myself, live in rural areas where there are no local streets. There is still enough traffic on state highways to make riding there unsafe and unpleasant. This raises another question. If you can't drive your car on the road, is it legal to ride your bike?

The PA state police are now issuing citations for unnecessary driving. So far, it's a summary offense and you must be pulled over for another violation.

I understand that unusual and drastic measures are being taken to combat this virus but I think a little more clarity is needed.
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Here in PA, we're getting mixed signals from the government about outdoor exercise. Although exercising outside is encouraged and state parks & trails remain open, we are not supposed to drive unless it's for emergencies (food, doctor, etc). Most residents don't have the luxury of living within walking or riding distance of a park or trail and must drive. Which is it? Why keep the parks open when the only way to get there is to drive? Sure, I could exercise at home but I'm far more likely to do it on my bike that do jumping jacks on my front porch.

The PA state police are now issuing citations for unnecessary driving. So far, it's a summary offense and you must be pulled over for another violation.

Would it be easier to make this call if the parks and trails were closed? Point being, that's the situation in our area, even with the suggestion everyone should be getting some exercise. We just ride the local sub division streets for the time being. We'll be back in the parks and on the trails soon....
Would it be easier to make this call if the parks and trails were closed? Point being, that's the situation in our area, even with the suggestion everyone should be getting some exercise. We just ride the local sub division streets for the time being. We'll be back in the parks and on the trails soon....

I agree, but it can't come soon enough.

Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of riding local streets as my edited post mentions. Is it even legal to do so if you can't drive?
I agree, but it can't come soon enough.

Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of riding local streets as my edited post mentions. Is it even legal to do so if you can't drive?

E-bikes are not motor vehicles. Ride it to the park (assuming that could be done safely)?
Here is where we are at. This was posted on our state offroad MTB Assoc. for a popular metro area.
Of course the big problem is Covid-19 but another problem is just Spring Time in northern climates.

In a normal year as soon as the snow is gone and the temps. rise people are chomping at the bit to get outdoors. Covid + warm weather=bad combination.

Trail Condition: Tacky
Date Posted: 04-08-2020 @ 02:09 PM

Details: Important Announcement: Please read the ENTIRETY of this post!

The trail is now open for the season! We wanted to open the trail as soon as possible, and there are still numerous squishy areas, so if you have a fatbike, please consider using that for your ride.

We are all asked to observe social distancing guidelines when using the trail ( This includes the trailhead/parking area. I am sure some may have already heard about parks out west closing entirely due to the crowds and overly busy trails. That could happen here if we are not careful. If the parking lot is busy, consider coming back in a couple of hours. Let me reiterate this again:


The parks department asked us to post this warning. This is a situation where we do NOT want to see cars spilling over into the field across the road from the lot and such. There is an alternative ("postage stamp") parking spot off of 90th East from the main parking lot. Riders have the OK during this time to ride the hiking trail down to the entrance of the Lochness Trail (please be mindful of hikers when using this access), so this is an option as well to spread out the cars visiting the park. The county asks riders to not use the West main parking lot for the beach access because of too much potential interaction with hikers.

We are hoping we will be able to continue using the trail during the Covid-19 crisis, but it is ultimately up to all of us in the riding community whether we will be able to. Ride solo, not in groups, and come back at a different time if the lot seems busy (or ride in to the trail from town if you can). Hillside Park Singletrack is also open as of today, and you could try checking that trail if Bertram is too busy.

Thanks again, let's be mindful of park usage right now to protect our ability to keep riding.
E-bikes are not motor vehicles. Ride it to the park (assuming that could be done safely)?

Yes, ebikes are LEGAL on roads here but are they PERMITTED under coronavirus regulations? If I can't drive a car on the street, why should I be allowed to ride a bike?
Yes, ebikes are LEGAL on roads here but are they PERMITTED under coronavirus regulations? If I can't drive a car on the street, why should I be allowed to ride a bike?

Easy answer = a phone call to your local enforcement agency. Tell them you're feeling cabin fever and ask them about the lesser evil regarding 2 options. Taking them to the park to get some exercise with your car/truck, or riding them to the park. Which would draw enforcement?
Easy answer = a phone call to your local enforcement agency. Tell them you're feeling cabin fever and ask them about the lesser evil regarding 2 options. Taking them to the park to get some exercise with your car/truck, or riding them to the park. Which would draw enforcement?

I called the local state police barracks yesterday and asked the question. I was told it would be up to the officer to decide whether to issue a citation. Not a definitive answer. I also sent an email to our local TV station which sponsors a local virus related question & answer program. So far, no reply.

Thanks for your advice though.
Parks and trails closed here in Ga, live near trail just to ride, now on 45 mph roads with almost normal traffic , only way to ride any real incidents, most give plenty of room, don’t see any other bikes , maybe 2 in a week

The trail was closed,then complaints , opened and too busy, now closed
I called the local state police barracks yesterday and asked the question. I was told it would be up to the officer to decide whether to issue a citation. Not a definitive answer. I also sent an email to our local TV station which sponsors a local virus related question & answer program. So far, no reply.

Thanks for your advice though.

I would just go. If a LEO is anal enough to issue a citation, thinking most judges have a lot more common sense - especially as you sought advice on the topic and received no straight answer (double talk). They'll dismiss it.