Strange Confrontation at e-MTB Demo (Cops called)

Interesting! Glad he was put in his place without too much of an incident...although calling the police in the first place is a little much for a guy who ended up being in the wrong.

Glad we live in 2 states that have adopted about the most practical ebike laws in the US George!
It's unfortunate that this guy felt he had to call the police. What happened to having a civil discussion between two folks? Wonder what his response would have been after a test ride! Prejudging and a lack of knowledge leads to a lot of unnecessary sticky situations.
Interesting! Glad he was put in his place without too much of an incident...although calling the police in the first place is a little much for a guy who ended up being in the wrong.
I think disputes among 'bikers' are supposed to end in a shootout. Just joking.

The one thing that always worries me are the signs that say "No Motorized Vehicles". Don't know if that was a factor. Utah went out of their way, this year, to make a law opening up all the bike stuff to ebikes. The Feds aren't going along. Still a mess.
Yeah that 'No Motorized Vehicles' signage is tricky, George. About a decade ago with the help of the Texas Bike Coalition and our shop, we got some of the local parks people and the state to clarify that this type of sign referred only to engines with displacement, aka gas motors. The rationale was that these signs had been in existence long before there were electric bikes and since ebikes were limited to 20mph (slower than some of the mountain bikers on our city trails) then there was no reason to specifically ban them from park trails. It's still an ongoing battle, though since each municipality can make park laws that are more restrictive than the state or federal laws.
I think it's a good thing he called the police. Now he knows without a doubt what the law is and he will spread the word, probably with a grumble and some resentment but it'll spread further and with more authority than if the bikers had a chat and came to some affable conclusion themselves (or gun waving as it was in Utah).
i agree with adrians take on that, it is good the matter was settled by the police and there is no doubt who was in the right

and that he will spread that news by bitching about it lol
"Strange" is too kind of a word George. More something like A****** . Probably fearful of mountain bike trails being shut down. Seems like so many haters are coming from a place of fear in this world.