Specialized Turbo now vs. Stromer ST2 later

+1 for ST2
I'm not waffling between those bikes and both are great bikes.

You're not too far away from the launch of ST2 in USA.
Come September, every eBike manufacturer will assemble their best line up at the Interbike 2014 and perhaps you could take a test ride there.
I'm a Stromer homer so I'll agree with Rav! I want one bad... I figure by next year I'll have over 10k km on my ST1 so that would justify an ST2 right guys? Right?
Thanks for the feedback. I did test ride a Turbo and an St1. I really like the feel of the Turbo better, more nimble and sporty. The St1 was a more plush ride but didn't feel as fun to me. Probably the weight among other things. What intrigues me about the St2 is the electronics, battery capacity and the control you have of the bike with the app on your phone is brilliant. But I've heard rumors it could be as expensive as 8k+ Don't think I'd pull the trigger at that price. But in the high 6k or maybe 7k I would give it serious consideration. I wish they would announce something before the riding season ends here. Anyway, thanks for the sounding board, appreciate ya'll.
+1 for ST2
I'm not waffling between those bikes and both are great bikes.

You're not too far away from the launch of ST2 in USA.
Come September, every eBike manufacturer will assemble their best line up at the Interbike 2014 and perhaps you could take a test ride there.

Sounds like a great ideas if I can be patient enough!
besides the heavy weight I would say ST2 gets the edge over the turbo but the personalities of the two are different and there are a few great bikes between them too.

They certainly do have different personalities, as I mentioned the Turbo is the one that puts the smile on my face. But I'm also paranoid about it being stolen, so the built in security of the ST2 is quite appealing.
You'd have to ride the bikes to figure the one that is the most interesting or gives you a rush.... If you're spending $6k+ it had better be something unique.. There are lot of great $4k bikes out there.
The $6k Turbo's specs seem comparable to competitor bikes that cost $4k like the ST1. Doesn't make sense drop battery capacity and motor below competition's specs at that price range. Maybe they are moving to mid range components?
I considered the 2015 Turbo S and took a hard look at the ST2. The Stromer chassis is heavy but rock solid and has a wonderfully stable feel. The Turbo is light and fast. I chose a 2013 Neo Carbon (speed pedelec) with a 12A battery and upgraded the brakes to Shimano, XT front derailleur, XT shifters, Schwalbe Tires, a Taz 1200 light, and spent $2300 less than the Turbo S. I'd say the Neo Carbon is probably about 95% of the Turbo S at about 50% of the cost. I also happen to like the aesthetics of the Carbon very much. BH is shipping their BT adaptor in early 2015 so I will be able to used my phone as a controller. Personal preference: I like the geared rear hub as it has a better ratio of torque to size and weight. For me the primary consideration was a mid-drive vs rear hub. I do believe that mid-drives are the future of e-bikes and that we will eventually see a mid-drive speed pedelec with broad US distribution (Kahlkoff and Focus have it now).
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One more thing, choose a bike that has an authorized dealer nearby with well trained technicians. PIA to travel long distances to have a bike serviced. I have a BH dealer with great techs about a mile from my house.
From reading your posts, I suspect you'd be happier with the Turbo, the Stromer tends toward the scooterish feel (I like that, and just bought a couple of ST1's, one for the girlfriend-also known as "my spare bike" and one for me, upgraded from a Sport)
I was recently torn between the stromer and the turbo. I like the bigger wheel size on the turbo and the more road bike bicycle look of the turbo. Plus a few other things. I pulled the trigger on the turbo and could not be happier. Just know that there are two new turbos coming one. Both are lower priced options, one has a front shock and the other is silver and has cheaper components but a MSRP of 3800 or less. I was able to look at the differences and what i found on the cheaper one is no regenative braking, no tapered head tube, quick release axel on the front rather then thur axel, slightly smaller battery at 460, i believe instead of 504w, and cheaper brakes and shifters. Needless to say spending this kind of money and on the fence of just getting a motorcycle, i went all in and got the top of the line turbo and did not wait. It is a great bike, and even though i thought it would be just for commuting, i find myself running it at eco mode or no juice mode just to ride it around and then when i am done with a workout, i pump on turbo and tear off back home. Awesome bike.
I was recently torn between the stromer and the turbo. I like the bigger wheel size on the turbo and the more road bike bicycle look of the turbo. Plus a few other things. I pulled the trigger on the turbo and could not be happier. Just know that there are two new turbos coming one. Both are lower priced options, one has a front shock and the other is silver and has cheaper components but a MSRP of 3800 or less. I was able to look at the differences and what i found on the cheaper one is no regenative braking, no tapered head tube, quick release axel on the front rather then thur axel, slightly smaller battery at 460, i believe instead of 504w, and cheaper brakes and shifters. Needless to say spending this kind of money and on the fence of just getting a motorcycle, i went all in and got the top of the line turbo and did not wait. It is a great bike, and even though i thought it would be just for commuting, i find myself running it at eco mode or no juice mode just to ride it around and then when i am done with a workout, i pump on turbo and tear off back home. Awesome bike.

Thanks Roadrash3 for the reassurance, my thinking was inline with yours when I pulled the trigger yesterday on a black turbo. The shop where I bought it shared the specs of the two new and cheaper versions but like you I decided to go all in. Especially since commuting makes this bike pay for it self (my commute, between driving and taking the bus, is anywhere from $200 - $400 per month). Also, I'm a mountain biker and bought this bike add to my conditioning. The idea that ebikes are for lazy people is misguided, I plan to cruise to work in turbo so I don't sweat and return home with no juice to get my workout in. There were no black ones in stock so I had to order mine from Specialized. I have to wait 10 working days for it to arrive. Please feel free to share more about your experience on the turbo to help me through the waiting period!