Spark Bike Mini battery percentage indicator?


Hey guys, I just drove the Spark Bike Mini for the first time today. Super fun! I actually wished that I lived further away from work so the ride would be longer!

Anyway, I thought that the bike would have a percentage indicator for the battery capacity (not just 5 bars). But on mine, I only see the 5 bars. I believe you can change this with a setting, but I'm not finding it in the manual. Does anyone know how to switch that on?


And apologies in advance if this was already answered somewhere.
I emailed customer support and got an answer that worked for me:

To enable the battery percentage indicator on the lcd panel:
1- Enter the settings mode: double press the power button in interval less than 0.3 second
2- Short press the power button to switch to various options. Keep pressing the power button until you reach to PSd (Cr>57km>bL1>OFF>Wd>bU0>PSd)
3- Enter the password 1919 by pressing up/down and then press the power button to confirm
4- Press the power button until you reach EnP (SPL>HAL>SR5>Sdr>CUL>PA5>EnP)
5- Set the level value to 1 by pressing up/down and then press the power button to confirm
