The other consideration is that the front rack as a factory option appears to cause a change in how the front headlight is mounted. Without the rack from the factory, the headlight is mounted to the handlebars. With the front rack from the factory, the headlight is mounted to the bottom of the front rack. So if you get it with the rack, but decide you don't use the rack and want to remove it. You have to buy extra kit to relocate the headlight. But if you do use the rack & bag a lot and order the rack after the bike, then the bag will block some (all?) of the headlight beam.
I ordered the rack & bag separately from the bike. I've had my bike for a few weeks now, but the bag & rack still haven't arrived. So it seems like adding them to the bike's config, would have significantly impacted my bike's delivery.
The dual batteries is definitely worth the extra. I have dual batteries on my 2021 Supderdelite HS Rohloff (500 & 625 wh) and the range on Eco is reported as ~120 miles. On Turbo that drops to around 50 miles. 50 is quite a lot, but if I had a single battery and only had around 25, that wouldn't be quite enough for me. Sure most of my rides are 20 miles or less. But its super nice to not have to charge it every day. Also if I do want to do a longer ride across town ~30 miles, I don't have to back off on the assist just to make it home.