Sleep problems


Active Member
United Kingdom
Sleep. I think this thread is going to be horrendous,

Me? Good God, a nightmare. I can't even describe it now in this first post. An hour, maybe three, maybe at 5am. Terrible. My girlfriend the same. We was out today and both just felt knackered and pulled over and crashed in the back.....two hours later, but then now we can't sleep at all. Two Hours a day! I'm just buzzing, even with two bottles of wine. It's 3.45am. My brain seems to be whirring, sharp. My body strong energized. Two hours! Then at some unknown point I hit a wall and crash.....for two hours. It's not how I would want it. It's not work causing it, I am self employed and it's all very flexible and only 4 hours a week these semi-retired days. I'm awake too much!

Anyone else? Or are you a good sleeper?
Go 36-72 hours without sleep and get back to me. (without drugs/caffeine)
Life long sleep issues. It's after those 3 1/2 days awake that turn into 18 hours of sleep and missing part of a work shift that sucks. Tried to get Ambien once from one of my doctors, He laughed and said "no you have a history of this, and that is not the answer." After all the ambien stories, I am happy he said no. Plus I had bad habits of going out at 2 am sober looking for problems. Can only imagine what i would have done. I am older now, have slowed down, learned to manage and deal with the 2 hours of sleep that still hits me.
I only get about 2 hours of sleep at a time as well but I don't think I function as I should. For me it is likely my stress level preventing sleep. However as I age I seem to need less sleep eh? 😴
A series of spinal injections yesterday. No sleep tonight ARGH!
I guess I’m lucky, a bad night of sleep for me is 5 hours, a normal amount is around 7 to 7.5 hours. If I have a bad night of sleep I make up for it the next night usually. There are times I will wake up for 1 to 2 hours in the middle of the night but I usually sleep in later to make up for it.
Your body has lymph nodes to clean toxins from the organs in your body. The brain has no lymph nodes. Instead, several recent studies have demonstrated that the brain flushes toxins from the brain cells while we sleep. If you feel groggy after too few hours of sleep it is because the flushing/cleansing was not adequate. Worse, as we age the arteries from our brain become stiff and harden which further impedes the cleansing action which can lead to dementia. Sleep well tonight!
Real sorry to hear that. My wife has real trouble and it's not pretty. She operates on about four hours and always has, but she is always tired. She never stops moving tho'.
Sleeping has never been a problem for me my whole life and still isn't.
There are some tricks to shut your thoughts down, but the key one I learned on a White Blotter trip at nineteen. I just never need the tricks anymore, ever. When the head hits the pillow I am gone inside of a minute.

My wife gets so angry at my easy sleep ability. I can sleep anywhere at anytime. She, on the other hand, is up half the night. Now, when I drove 18 wheelers I was up for 3 days straight on a regular basis, with and without drugs. I didn't care if the DOT pulled me in for a drug test. That was the worst job I ever had. I'd also fall asleep while driving on a regular basis. I have some crazy stories from those 2 years with that dead-end job! I did 6 months with "We Employ Rednecks, No Experience Required" and 1 and a 1/2 years with "Tarp My Cargo". If you drove, or currently drive trucks, you'll know the companies.
I don't sleep well most of the time, ever since the "M" thing over 15 years ago. My doc told me I'm in the about 10% of women who never stop having hot flashes once they get started 🙁. Tried all kinds of things to manage those, then finally she decided to work on managing sleep. So, now I have crappy sleep for 3-4 nights, then take my girlie 5mg dose of Ambien (cause I'm a girl 🤣), sleep, rinse, repeat. If I'm flying, I take one the night before, and one the night of the flight. Also take a 20-30 minute nap every afternoon, ever since living in Italy. That's one of my favorite Italian customs! I guess I'm lucky I can count on having a solid sleep a couple of times per week 😉.

Oh - right now I'm on a course of Prednisone to anti-inflame my knee, so even the Ambien isn't going to be much good. Thank goodness for K-dramas; they help me pass the late night) early morning hours 🤣!
I don't sleep well most of the time, ever since the "M" thing over 15 years ago. My doc told me I'm in the about 10% of women who never stop having hot flashes once they get started 🙁. Tried all kinds of things to manage those, then finally she decided to work on managing sleep. So, now I have crappy sleep for 3-4 nights, then take my girlie 5mg dose of Ambien (cause I'm a girl 🤣), sleep, rinse, repeat. If I'm flying, I take one the night before, and one the night of the flight. Also take a 20-30 minute nap every afternoon, ever since living in Italy. That's one of my favorite Italian customs! I guess I'm lucky I can count on having a solid sleep a couple of times per week 😉.

Oh - right now I'm on a course of Prednisone to anti-inflame my knee, so even the Ambien isn't going to be much good. Thank goodness for K-dramas; they help me pass the late night) early morning hours 🤣!
ya my wife still has them even at 59
I sleep pretty well most nights getting 8 hours of solid rest, but I have found that alcohol complicates the matter. Being a depressant, it’s all well and good when under its effects, but 4 or so hours later, as this wears off, most people wake up anything but tired. Changing one’s environment from bed to a couch or recliner can help, and when tired again, either stay there or go back to bed. These are things that work for me.
I sleep pretty well most nights getting 8 hours of solid rest, but I have found that alcohol complicates the matter. Being a depressant, it’s all well and good when under its effects, but 4 or so hours later, as this wears off, most people wake up anything but tired. Changing one’s environment from bed to a couch or recliner can help, and when tired again, either stay there or go back to bed. These are things that work for me.
Nothing disrupts sleep like alcohol. You don’t want to hear the Booze Rooster at 3 in the morning.
I sleep pretty well most nights getting 8 hours of solid rest, but I have found that alcohol complicates the matter. Being a depressant, it’s all well and good when under its effects, but 4 or so hours later, as this wears off, most people wake up anything but tired. Changing one’s environment from bed to a couch or recliner can help, and when tired again, either stay there or go back to bed. These are things that work for me.
Was going to mention that about the alcohol (wine). A small glass in the evening can help relax. More than that will "help" you go to sleep, but when it wears off, you'll wake up and not be able to get back to sleep easily or at all.
Sleep. I think this thread is going to be horrendous,

Me? Good God, a nightmare. I can't even describe it now in this first post. An hour, maybe three, maybe at 5am. Terrible. My girlfriend the same. We was out today and both just felt knackered and pulled over and crashed in the back.....two hours later, but then now we can't sleep at all. Two Hours a day! I'm just buzzing, even with two bottles of wine. It's 3.45am. My brain seems to be whirring, sharp. My body strong energized. Two hours! Then at some unknown point I hit a wall and crash.....for two hours. It's not how I would want it. It's not work causing it, I am self employed and it's all very flexible and only 4 hours a week these semi-retired days. I'm awake too much!

Anyone else? Or are you a good sleeper?
Have you gotten one of those sleep tests ? You smoking anything along with drinking ? Are you telling us you can't sleep or you can't sleep without 2 bottles of alcohol a day ?
Was going to mention that about the alcohol (wine). A small glass in the evening can help relax. More than that will "help" you go to sleep, but when it wears off, you'll wake up and not be able to get back to sleep easily or at all.
Alcohol is essentially poison. 2 bottles a day seems like a lot .
I recently came across the same problem. Sleep can be elusive sometimes, and I get the frustration. Tried various remedies, but the struggle persists.