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With temperatures 10 degrees C above normal today and smoke on the horizon it is not hard to imagine what a seemingly inevitable forest fire will one day do to these neighborhoods. View attachment 65048

This is what planners and firefighters in California call the "Urban / Wildland interface". Neighborhoods like this burned to the ground north of San Francisco last year.
9/11 will be with our generation as Dec 7th was with our parents. Another important event also occured on Sep 11, but this one was in 2012. On this date the U.S. Ambassador to Lybia was killed during an attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. The Ambassador was John Christopher Stevens, a 4th generation Native Son of the Northern Mines, our small communities here in the lower Sierras. He was 52 and was survived by his wife and 2 children. His remains were returned to his home town and interred in the local cemetery as per his family's wishes.

Ambassador Stevens was posthumously awarded the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service on May 3, 2013.

During today's ride I made it a point to walk through the 'Chris Stevens Courtyard' in downtown Grass Valley.


The Chris Stevens Courtyard was dedicated by the city of Grass Valley in NOV 2018. A plaque commemorating this fallen native son can be seen mounted on the left side brick wall.


Ambassador Stevens was born and raised in Grass Valley. His great-grandfather was a miner. His grandparents were local high school teachers. His father was an attorney and his mother a cellist.
9/11 will be with our generation as Dec 7th was with our parents. Another important event also occurred on Sep 11, but this one was in 2012. On this date, the U.S. Ambassador to Lybia was killed during an attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. The Ambassador was John Christopher Stevens, a 4th generation Native Son of the Northern Mines, our small communities here in the lower Sierras. He was 52 and was survived by his wife and 2 children. His remains were returned to his home town and interred in the local cemetery as per his family's wishes.

Ambassador Stevens was posthumously awarded the Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service on May 3, 2013.
During today's ride, I made it a point to walk through the 'Chris Stevens Courtyard' in downtown Grass Valley.
View attachment 65060
The Chris Stevens Courtyard was dedicated by the city of Grass Valley in NOV 2018. A plaque commemorating this fallen native son can be seen mounted on the left side brick wall.
View attachment 65059
Ambassador Stevens was born and raised in Grass Valley. His great-grandfather was a miner. His grandparents were local high school teachers. His father was an attorney and his mother a cellist.

Tim, thank you for remembering Chris on this day... he was a close friend in high school and we dedicated our school library in his memory at our recent class reunion.

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This singletrack may not look unusual but it runs for for a kilometre along a narrow mountain ridge with steep drops on both sides. I have never met anyone else on it. I can not navigate it with my R+M Charger without stopping in certain spots but the FS Moustache floats safely over the rocks ,roots, holes and drops. I would not bring anyone along on this trail unless they were confident riders.
I'd much rather walk such forest trails, than use them as roller-coasters. Maybe I'm getting old, but my bones don't need the jangling. Also, you miss the beauty of the trees and the quiet and the wildlife.

But we may not have much forest left to enjoy between the clearcutting and the wildfires... 😢
I'd much rather walk such forest trails, than use them as roller-coasters. Maybe I'm getting old, but my bones don't need the jangling. Also, you miss the beauty of the trees and the quiet and the wildlife.

But we may not have much forest left to enjoy between the clearcutting and the wildfires... 😢
That sure seems true right now with all the fires on the west coast.
I'd much rather walk such forest trails, than use them as roller-coasters. Maybe I'm getting old, but my bones don't need the jangling. Also, you miss the beauty of the trees and the quiet and the wildlife.

But we may not have much forest left to enjoy between the clearcutting and the wildfires... 😢
How about meeting me in Kamloops to try this then? Not for you either?