SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Care to guess what the pair of millenials are photographing in this pic ?
Short afternoon ride, c:a 25km. Passed Tekniska museet. (technical museum in English)
The chopper on a stick has probably been there for many years but I really haven’t paid attention to it. This helicopter model has not been used by Swedish police since beginng of this century.

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PaD , you are telling us there is crime in Sweden? Shocking!
The wildfire smoke kept my ride fairly short today, just to the next town and back. I rode past a 'pocket park' our kids played at years ago and stopped at this cannon that's been there as long as I can remember;


I know I've seen this before, but I don't remember really looking at it. Why is it in this little town that's never had a fort or any type of military installation?


The local Clampers provided the answer, yet again. Apparently it's been in town since 1911. Who knew?

Fort Point is a Civil War era brick fort built shortly after the start of California's gold rush. It served in the Civil War as part of the Union's fortifications of the entry to San Francisco Bay. The original plans for San Francisco's now iconic Golden Gate bridge called for the destruction of the fort. The bridge's Chief Engineer Joseph Strauss recognized the significance of the fort and had the southern abutment of the bridge redesigned to allow the bridge to span over the fort. Today it's a very popular part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

Fort Point is a National Historic Site.
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The wildfire smoke kept my ride fairly short today, just to the next town and back. I rode past a 'pocket park' our kids played at years ago and stopped at this cannon that been there as long as I can remember;

View attachment 63540
I know I've seen this before, but I don't remember looking looking at it. Why is it in this little town that's never had a fort or any type of military installation.

View attachment 63541
The local Clampers provided the answer, yet again. Apparently it's been in town since 1911. Who knew?

Fort Point is a Civil War era brick fort built shortly after the start of California's gold rush. It served in the Civil War as part of the Union's fortifications of the entry to San Francisco Bay. The original plans for San Francisco's now iconic Golden Gate bridge called for the destruction of the fort. The bridge's Chief Engineer Joseph Strauss recognized the significance of the fort and had the southern abutment of the bridge redesigned to allow the bridge to span over the fort. Today it's a vary popular part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

Fort Point is a National Historic Site.
SierraTim good luck , may the wind blow the fires away from you.