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Rode out last week to check on our two Piper Creek community garden plots that we rent from the municipality which contracts a local herder to use their goats to manage invasive weed species on the adjacent parcel of land.

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Once lived in Orinda, CA. Lots of open space all around, and huge goat herds showed up every summer to graze down the weeds. Pretty cool, I thought, but it was hard to walk my border collie and Belgian sheepdog off-leash without running into them.

The comical part: These 50-60 lb so-called "herding dogs" were totally spooked by the goats and stayed as far away as they could get.
a very cool house with spider web windows. I guess it even has a pool in the basement. I bet it is way over 1 mil
This has me wondering why they are watering the pavement. this was all dirt yard they stored street and construction heavy plates and such. then they paved it and the next week they started watering it. when I took this they had the sprinkler on it for 2 days.
