SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Eucrider, where are you?? I'm seeing funny roofed houses, a canal, a tulip... Netherlands?

Please people, each and every time you post pics, please don't assume we can magically divine or somehow remember where you generally ride!
Eucrider, where are you?? I'm seeing funny roofed houses, a canal, a tulip... Netherlands?

Please people, each and every time you post pics, please don't assume we can magically divine or somehow remember where you generally ride!
Sorry about the little information I've updated the post
Dog needed a ride to his favorite park.
Tried to cut through this middle school grounds after-hours to save about 14 blocks of riding on arterials with no bike lane. Every path connecting to the surrounding neighborhood streets was emphatically blocked unless you're a skinny kid on foot.
I guess they've decided that young cyclists should learn their place in this world sooner rather than later...
Tried to cut through this middle school grounds after-hours to save about 14 blocks of riding on arterials with no bike lane. Every path connecting to the surrounding neighborhood streets was emphatically blocked unless you're a skinny kid on foot.
I guess they've decided that young cyclists should learn their place in this world sooner rather than later...
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Suggest application of battery powered sawzall in the middle of the night.
Tried to cut through this middle school grounds after-hours to save about 14 blocks of riding on arterials with no bike lane. Every path connecting to the surrounding neighborhood streets was emphatically blocked unless you're a skinny kid on foot.
I guess they've decided that young cyclists should learn their place in this world sooner rather than later...
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Oh don't get me started....Who the heck are they trying to keep out anyways? Just what the world needs...more of those damn things!
Isn't that why we ride electric bikes. :cool:

Yeah. :) But when I approach hills, I'm not allowing the bike to fully pull me. I am pedaling, with an assist, but no throttle. And that hill looks like some serious pedaling for a guy like me who is overweight and pedaling a pretty heavy bike.