SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Vanier park in Kits Point.
These are local giraffe sheeps, a leg of giraffe lamb feeds a family of 10 for a week.

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These things have been an enigma all winter, this field is on a sharp long bend that you have to pay attention flying round as there are holes allover the track that will throw you off if you're daydreaming, so i kept seeing these things out of the corner of my eye, generally in torrential rain and kept thinking i'm sure that was a llama, today i rode past twice, the first time i didnt see them the second i saw them turned around and took some pictures as noone believed there were llamas here.

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These are llamas and not alpacas, is that right?

Is a giraffe sheep another name for a llama? Google could not find a giraffe sheep.
I think they are llamas. Alpacas have shorter ears were as llamas ears look like an elongated horse ear.
Is a giraffe sheep another name for a llama? Google could not find a giraffe sheep.
I think they are llamas. Alpacas have shorter ears were as llamas ears look like an elongated horse ear.
Sorry Marci it was a poor attempt at humour, remember though this is where you heard giraffe sheeps first :D o_O

I think alpacas are more dainty and cute whereas these things are quite horsey and substantial beasts, more aggressive too, these are the spitters.

I must also add - we don't eat llamas, not yet at least, brexit might push us in that direction though.
Yesterday’s ride had me admiring this work of art in front of a vintage blacksmith shop…

IMG_20220425_1724246.jpg scratching my head when I came upon this metal relic rusting away in a farmer’s field though I can imagine it was quite the piece of machinery during its time.
