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Deflopilator install. The deflopilator has its own song.

Here is the best Ebike bell I have ever come across by far! Yes it is pricey but worth every penny as pedestrians hear you at 50 meters which gives them lots of time to clear the path. Crane brand , it is made in Japan and it has all metal parts! plastic crap so it will last. View attachment 116655
Thanks for posting!

I looked at the Crane bells a while ago but didn't like the brass finish with my all black bars & accessories. Instead, I ordered the more expensive Knog Oi bell which turned out to be a dismal failure. It didn't last a single season before the spring broke.

Your post reminded me I needed a replacement. I looked at Crane again and ordered one with a black finish. The black wasn't available when I last checked. Now I see they have an assortment of different colors.