shifter and derailer question here...


Rancho Cucamonga California
I have this "radius" IMG_2933.jpegDateStamper_0078.jpegIMG_0449.pngshifter that came with my ebike that I'm not really liking, is it required that I change out the derailer when I change out the shifter to the Shimano style shifter that I'm used to? TIA
Thank you for the reply, but I was asking about the derailer as well, do you know if I have to change out the derailer when you change out the shifter? Thanks, David.
there are no real choices there. but no but I would ask a shop to make sure everything is compatible. with some searching yo can find the Shimano charts that show those too.
I handle this by going all Shimano, Upgrade both. A Shimano Quickfire trigger shifter works well and is arouns 20 bucks.The old one probably follows the SHimano standard if you want to keep it. If not, well 20 bucks,s